Crabs? [[Namjoonxreader shortfluff]]

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Everyone has their favorite animals or mythical beings, such as mermaids or..unicorns! Then they're some of the..weirded animals people worship. Namjoon? he is obsessed with crabs. You cant go near a place with sand or water without a tall tree man running away from his responsibilities to find the small creatures.

"Joon slow down!" I breathe out, He has been running around on the beach for hours trying to find some of his little friends. He stops abruptly, quickly shushing me as he digs through the sand like a puppy not knowing any better.

He lets out a tiny gasp as he flashes around to me to show me a pink shiny hermit crab. I look up, admiring the childish gleam of light in his face, as he tries to stop smiling but to not avail just letting his dimples show his happiness.

He turns his head looking around for something and begins to run again.

"namjOON" I yell as quickly try to keep up with him.

I see him run up to the guys, making a sandcastle. what is he up to??

As I walk up I can't help but let out a small smile as joon gently places the crab into the sand castle. afterward, he looks up to me with that signature smile of his. He stands up grabbing my hands.

"sorry for running away... I just got so excited and i-" I cut him off by pushing my hands away as I burst into laughter.

"Don't apologize! joon 've known you for so long and it still surprised me how a man can look so serious on the outside yet be a complete softie. You are truly a child stuck in a man's body" I laugh out, letting out a sigh as I calm down.

As I am trying to bring myself back together to take him back to the shoot, I see him glance over to someone then to me. He takes ahold on my hands again dragging me somewhere again. I assume he wants to catch more crabs so his friend isn't lonely.

"Joon we need to head back to the shoot we can look for more crabs for your friend later-" I say with a smile plastered on my face.

No response.

I look up to see him with a scarily serious expression. I have never seen him like this before...I stay silent as he leads me to a different part of the beach. He stops, sitting down on top of some rocks in the water and pats for me to sit next to him.

"y/n you've been my friend since we were young," He lets out a nervous chuckle "I don't know what id do without in my life-"

I have a pity look in my eyes as I stare at him, confused by his sudden serious behavior. Is he trying to say he doesn't need me anymore..?

"But I cant just, I cant keep lying to myself ya know?" He finally looks me in the eyes and I get a clear view, he has tears almost welling up in his eyes.

I give a shocked expression. I reach out but pull my hand back as he hangs his head mumbling something.

"what was that?-" I cautiously ask, not knowing how this situation is about to go down.

He suddenly has a tight grip on my hand, he opens it placing an item into my palm

"I cant do it anymore" He stays boldly, looking me in the face as my heart falls

"I need you in my life forever-"

those words, made my heart skip a beat. I looked up to find him smiling like the goofball he was, taking my free hand I hit him on the shoulder making him let out a long exaggerated cry of pain.

I remember the item placed into my hand and quickly look down to find the same tiny pink crab with a note next to it, looked like a fortune cookie note.

'dont be afraid to take a chance when the opportunity of a lifetime appears'

I look back up to find his smile still waiting there for me, almost like a warm blanket embracing me.

"I'm sorry if I worried you y/n but when we were out hunting crabs, just the moment made me see how different my life would be without you. I want to hunt crabs with you for however long I can..." He says looking me deeply in the eyes, I cant help but tear up and start laughing.

"You really are a man-child, so cheesy!" I say pinching his cheeks as he grins ear to ear, showing me his dimples that I love so much. Suddenly he throws his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I gladly abid, laying my head on his chest as I place the tiny crab down and watch it slowly crawl away.

We just sit and stare, stare at the sunset and each other before I finally place a kiss on his dimple, jumping up and dragging him back to finish up the photoshoot. I watch as the photos appear different, even the staff comments on it.

"wow, Rm these photos are coming out great whatever happened to make your smile that great, keep it up!" He turns his head to me

"For sure"


Later that night the boys find you and namjoon asleep with sand everywhere. on the table was a container, it was a mini beach you and namjoon had made for some crab friends he snagged up in an attempt to have a sleepover with them. You guys had tried to make mini snacks and everything but ended up passing out after doing a "Bts photoshoot" of the crabs.

omg sorry, this is a lame fluff I never really write fluff usually angst or something but I'm learning through this, hopefully yall enjoyed please leave suggestions in the comments on what member/members you want me to do next with a mini prompt or scenario!

Total Words: 931

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