Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Lexie's P.O.V

Oh my god, oh my god, oh... my.... God... What the hell do I do. I thought standing up to make my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, brushing the loose strands of hair out of my face. I took my hand and placed my index finger on my lips and traced over them. A flush of memories came through my head. The first time we met, how he was banned from being with me, calling me Little Grey for the very first time and when I asked him to teach me....

"Lexie...??, Lexie are you okay in there?" I heard as the voice came through from the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said wiping a tear trickling down my face.

I opened the door to find Meredith there, standing with her arms crossed.

"What's wrong?? Lexie, what happened??" She said with concern and care

"I did something that I can't take back Mer!"

"What did you do?" She asked, confusingly

"Well Mark and I sort of... well.... Um....kissed..."

"And do you regret it? Did you feel anything? What did he say?" She asked with surprise and a smirk

"Okay, Okay, one question at a time Mer. Well.... Yea I did feel something but I told him I didn't, I don't think he brought it though. I still love him Mer, I miss being with him, him holding me and his kisses..." I trailed off, I could feel my face heating up and a smile coming onto my face.

"Lex!! Oh my god... You have to tell him you still have feelings for him. Tell him tonight!"

"Lexie, what's going on... what's this about you and Mark? Lexie tell me now!" Josh appeared from the stairs and up to where Mer and I were standing.

Oh no what do I say....??.... I looked at Meredith begging her to help me, she just looked back at me and then back to Josh.

"I'm going to leave you two to talk...." Meredith said walking down the stairs back to the party.

"Look Josh, I'm so sorry... I still have feelings for Mark, that's one thing no one can ever change and no one could ever replace him" I looked down at my feet and then back up to his face.

He had the look of disgust and anger raging up building inside of him that was visible to see, he looked away and then back at me.

"I trusted you Lexie!" He said

I just was silent and couldn't get a word to come out. I needed to say something to him.

"Say something you bitch!" He yelled as he slapped me right across the face.

The pain ached badly on my cheek, I put my palm up to it and held it there and could feel the tears coming.

He grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the wall and started yelling at me, telling me to say something back and rude words and names.

"Josh!! You're hurting me!! Let go of me... Please...."I cried wincing in pain from my face and now my wrists.

"Let her go Josh!!" a voice yelled sternly. He let go of me and I slid down the wall crying. Derek stood there with Jackson and Alex behind him.

I lifted my wrists up to my view and scanned them only to see redness and some swelling which would turn to a bruise later.

Josh stormed out, down the stairs and out through the front door. I heard a loud thud of the door shutting.

Derek and Alex came running towards me lifting me up to see if I was okay.

"You okay Lex??" Jackson asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine, just face sore and wrists sore as well and eyes a bit dry from crying" I chuckled a bit.

Derek and Alex helped me down the stairs and Jackson ran down the stairs to find me some ice.

"Oh my god!! Mum are you okay!!??" Andy yelled from the table pushing her chair back and getting the ice off Jackson thanking him and took it over to the couch and Derek and Alex put me down there.

"What happened?" She asked concerned.

Lately everyone was concerned about me. "Umm well... Josh and I are over... obviously and well he just got too angry and he just got out of control." I said softly. I was so tired from working so much that I felt a bit overdone.

"Mum, he hurt you!" She said with anger in her tone.

"Andy, honey, look I'm just really tired, I think I'll just stay here the night and we can sort it all in the morning, I mean... if that's okay with you Derek?"

"Yes! Of course you can, you're family, of course and same with you Andy" He said smiling.

I walked out of the lounge to make my way upstairs to find the spare bedroom to come across Mark and Julia cuddling and kissing each other in the kitchen, he looked over at me and stood up.

"Lex! Are you okay...?" He asked

"Not now Mark! Okay, Merry Christmas and Goodbye!?" I said walking off to find the spare bedroom.

I opened the door and walked in and took my boots and jeans off and got into the bed and closed my eyes just thinking of Mark and that kiss and all the trouble I had just caused. And on Christmas day too. What a pity Lexie and what a disgrace you are to the family!


Hey Everybody!!!!! How are we all... I've missed you all and writing too. Sorry it's been so long but that's the first chapter and I really hoped you liked it. Please comment and vote and also send me ideas for the story to continue on. I'd just like to thank a few people for their help and ideas and also support - stephygirl14, emma_hook, GabbySoliz, bulldoze88

Also thanks to everyone who reads the Looking Series

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