Today I got pranked by my friend this is what happen. So this will not be the exact conversation but it will be what had we were talking about.
Friend-took long anoth
Friend-btw this is Erica
Me-Erica costell
Me-then which Erika
Friend-Erika costell
Me-I just said was it you
Me-is this a prank
Friend-would I ever lie
Me-no because you never do
Me-to cheek if it is you then I will ask a question.
Friend-okay cool
Me-what is you favourite things besides Jake
Me-omg it's you I'm a huge fan ily
Friend- ❤️❤️❤️
Me-can I ask a question
Friend-of corse go ahead
Me-are you and team 10 going to Australia next yea if so yey because I told my mum and she said she might get me tickets if you are.
Friend-of course we are.
Me-What is one things you like about Jake
Friend-he is awesome and sweet but don't tell him but it does dumb stuff st times
Me-everyone knows that like the dirt bike in the pool and ttps
Friend-yes 😂
Me-how long are you staying in Australia
Friend-going back tonight
Me-can I have your autograph and when you go ba k tell team 10and espically jake that I'm a huge fan
Friend-sure i will tell Jake on the plane ride back and leaving tonight
Me-wait Jakes with you
Friend- no getting food
Me-probaly donuts since ate a whole box in one go
Friend- 😂
Me-if he gets back in time can I also have his auto graph
Me-thankyou also wearing your merch and watching vids of you.
Friend-cool. Sorry I was just doing the auto graph about to leave and I will give you a shoutout next vlog for being a cool fan.
Me-bye ily
Me-omg Erika just texted me can I have to autograph at school. And also what did your mum say
Friend-who dis I told her then yes you can if you give me my potato
Me-far triad
Me-did you prank me
Friend-no why would I
Friend-well btw it was a prank don't hate me
Me-I'm not but I was happy I went around telling everyone that Erika Costell texted me
Friend-but she is in America and also and how would've she known where I was
Me-true true I'm goi g to be night.

Jerika with kids
FanfictionWhat will it be like when only one of the kids is Erika's child. The others are her step children