I know Erika already vlogs but let's preten it's her first time today. 😂☺️
The vlog
Good morning everyone welcome to my first vlog ever. If you don't know who I am my name is Erika Costell and this vlogging thing is you seeing what it's like as a day in the life of a single mum with a 5 year old and a 18 year old which comes and goes. So today will be a sit down one to tell you more about how I lasted my relation ship for 18 years. So first thing is first at the age of 18 I fell pregnant with my first child Lexie who is the 18 year old. A couple of month latter me and the dad my ex had a fallen out and he got a new girlfriend and had like 3 kids with her, and I got a boyfriend and had a child with him who sadly passed away. That's the child. And then after a few years when max his elderst son turned 6 he came back and I fo gave him so we lived a happy life. After that it was yesterday actually we broke up again he took his half of the kids who was his other girlfriends and the. I took my two who I had with him. So that's the story but rn I need to go to target and by a few things so I am questing you wil, come. With me.(At target)
So now we have made it to target I just need to go down a few shoot I need to go. I see him and he is vlogging and he said when he was walking out if he catches me vlogging he will take my half of the kids. I will keep this camera facing up in bag so you can see here he comes.
Erika-longtime no see
Erika-what a r you down here for
Jake-just a tuff for a video
Jake-and you
Erika-you know getting some baby cloths
Jake-but Brooke is 5
Jake-r u pregnant
Jake-already and I have been gone for only 24 hours, so who's the dad
Erika-yes but I do t you seeing him or her becaus I never want you in my life
Jake-listen I'm sorry
Erika-you were cheating on me everyday since we got back together after Alissa
Jake-Erika I'm sorry
Erika-why would you so this to me. We mad a son Jake a song about you never will leave me and how you with treat me bad. Is that why you kept coming home from doing so called Evans lat uh.
Jake-for ever and ever
Erika-why you saying that you say that when I'm wrong
Jake-yes she's my niece
Erika-be t why were you saying come to mine when Erika is asleep
Jake-because it was auto correct
Jake-she was meant to say come to mine soon with Erika
Erika-don't believe it ring her up
Erika-hi Rhein
Rhein-hi Erika
Erika-um so was it auto correct when you said come to mine when Erika is Aleppo did you ksay an come to with Erika soon
Rhein- I sent it to the wrong person because I'm I'm bi and me and my gf Erika yes crazy I have a gf named Erika and we do this thing where one of us will be asleep then the other says come. To mine when she is alseep.
Erika-But jake said okay love you
Jake-I was confused I didn't go
Rhein-he didn't
Jake-I aid okay lik confused and said love you since we are close cosuins and before I sent that I said are u texting the wrong person but bI poke deleted it and she replied back yes
Erika-oh yeah Brooke always delta message a
Jake-soo r we back together

Jerika with kids
FanfictionWhat will it be like when only one of the kids is Erika's child. The others are her step children