What i lsitem to whilst writting lol

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Just what I listen to whilst I write

1-OFC (team 10)
2-Chity Bang ( Erika Costell ft Jake Paul)
3-My teachers (Jake Paul, sunny Malouf at3)
4-Malibu (chad ft Jake Paul)
5-Saturday night (team 10)
6-There for you (Erika costell)
7-powerful  emotions (Tessa ft Erika Costell)
8-Is s everyday bro (team 0)
9-Jake Paulers (jake paul)
10-No compition (dynamite Dylan ft Jake Paul)
11- that ain't on the news (Jake Paul)
12-Fanjoy.co/jakepaul  (nick and Jake Paul)
13-used to be(aj Mitchell)
14-empty (Jaiden and boyinaband)

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