10-Back story

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"Y/N, I would never lie to you, I love you to much too lie to you and I promise we will get jungkook back, he's my best friend after all and you are the person I love I cant live without you" then he pulled me into a tight hug and whispered into my ear "I love you" ...

Y/N: "I-I........"

"Can you two stop flirting, we have a bigger issue then taehyung confessing" when we hared the voice say that we quickly pulled away and looked in opposite directions while turning red

"u-um yeah....c-can we please f-find jungkook" I said while sniffing from crying and embarrassment from what taehyung just said

Taehyung: "well at least you have stopped crying after I said that" he said with a bright box smile that I have never seen before..........but I love it

Hoseok: "ok so now that's done can we please try and get him back"

Namjoon: "ok so how are we going to get him back, the kings castle is massive and he has probably warned all his underlings to no allow us to live if they saw us"

Joshua: "have you forgotten that Y/N was born to fight vampires"

Jimin: "what do you mean? you never explained this to us"

Joshua: "oh yeah..., well any way me and Y/N are from a very powerful family, our family specialised in killing creatures from the underworld, for example, ware wolves, witches, daemons and.... vampires...."

Yoongi: "what about warlocks?"

Joshua: "warlocks?.. they were on the side of our ancestors along side us the warlocks fought, but alone that trail of history one of our family members fell in love with a vampire but not just any vampire, the vampire kings son, this love was forbidden but it never stopped the two from loving, the previous vampire king was defeated by the most powerful spell of all 'love', now every 100 a child is born from our family and that child is destined to fall in love with a vampire"

taehyung: "love?"

Joshua: "yeah love, love is the strongest power of all"

Taehyung: "does that mean Y/N will have to fall in love to save us from the vampire king as well as save jungkook"

Joshua: "yes, that is exactly what I mean, so this is what I am asking.."he turned his head towards me "..Y/N do you love someone?"


Joshua: "just because you don't know doesn't mean your heart doesn't know"

Y/N: "w-what are y-you saying"

Joshua: "what i am saying is that.. you love someone, and you love that someone very deeply you just don't know how deeply, we will leave you here to think who that special someone is" with that they all left

Y/N: "my special someone? But who would that be ,the only person that made me feel something was......." as soon as I realised it my eyes went wide "TAEHYUNG!?!?!?"

on the other side of the door

"TAEHYUNG!?!?!?" we heard Y/N shout from the other side of the door, and everyone started giggling, except for taehyung who was in shock from confessing

taehyung: "I.confessed.to.Y/N"

Jin: "yeah you did and it was only a few hours ago that you told us you loved her, not like, LOVE" he exaggerated the word 'love'

flashback - taehyung's pov

"Y/N!?!?!?" We screamed as Y/N fell to the ground

Suddenly, a black figure was standing in front of us with someone in their arms, I looked down and Y/N was gone.

"Y/N!?!?!" I screamed, then everyone looked down to where Y/N was and then back at the figure

Namjoon: "HEY, LET HER GO!!!"

King: "how about no, I forgot to say this while I was talking to her but I am taking her with me, she will be mine, so if you excuse me" he started walking away until.....

???: "you.are not.going.anywhere..."


I might add more to the chapter so it isn't that short so don't think this is the end of this chapter just think of it as a movie that you get to a curtain point but your parents call you can then you have to pause it on a really important part😂😁

Aaaaaanyway I hoped you liked this (so far) and continue to read this ARMY for ever❤️❤️

BTS Taehyung FF // vampire loveWhere stories live. Discover now