16 - After the fight

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The fight was now over..Taehyung had gotten off of the king while the others watched as Jungkooks sucked the life out of his father and slowly starting to gain strength and his hair went a deep red colour.

Jin walked over to Y/N and helped her up as Taehyung and the other walks to jungkook after he was done to see if he was okay, to their surprise he was..all of his wounds were healed and his eyes were as dark as his hair.

As Y/N stood and watched with Jin, everyone surrounding Jungkook slowly got onto one knee and bowed their heads.


Jin yelled, startling Y/N but as she calmed down she looked at Jin then looked back at jungkook but he was suddenly in front of her and along side him was Joshua.

Jungkook & Joshua: "are you okay?"

They looked at each other before looking back at Y/N, with a bit of fear still in her eyes she looked down and started speaking

Y/N: "h-he kept me j-just for my bo-body?"

As she starts to hyperventilate Tae comes rushing over and pulls her to his chest as jungkook speaks

Jungkook: "it's okay, he would never get you..after all, you belong to Tae now"

He smiles and joins the hug, soon enough all of the people in the thrown room were now hugging just a few feet away from the dead kings body.

Jimin: "how about we go home? It's been a long day"

Jimin speaks as he pulls away from the hug, soon followed by everyone else as they nod

Jungkook : "okay everyone hold hands"

Y/N and Joshua were both confused at first but in a blink of an eyes they were home again and they both quickly look at Jungkook surprised

Namjoon: "it's a vampire thing"

Y/N: "you never showed me this"

Jungkook: "well we were always together so there was no need to show you"

He smiles innocently and walks to the kitchen, Y/N runs after him

Y/N: "yah!!"

Back with the others

Hoseok: "I'm glad everything is back to normal now"

Yoongi: "as normal as it can be considering we now have another human with us and Jungkook now rules us"

Jimin: "he wouldn't order us to do much...right?"

Jin: "not if he wants a beating"

Namjoon: "alright alright, that's enough let's go and join them"

Soon Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Jin and Namjoon join Y/N and Jungkook in the kitchen leaving Taehyung and Joshua behind. As Taehyung goes to join them Joshua holds him back. And he looks back at him.

Taehyung: "hm?"

Joshua: "look after my sister okay? She's been through a lot"

Taehyung chuckles and nods before rapping an arm around Joshuas shoulders.

Taehyung: "oh course I will, you just have to stay with her form now on"

Joshua nods and Tae continues speaking.

Taehyung: "let's go join them, I heard them arguing on how to make cookies"

They both laugh and join everyone in the kitchen.

Laughs, smiles, tears

That is what they all shared

In the end Y/N did find her family..her true family

The end.


Thank you all for reading!! This is the end because I really couldn't think of anything else!

There might be a special future chapter but who knows, this has been going on for almost 3 years and I'm so glad it's done because now there is an ending for you all who actually kept reading.

Again, thank you all so much!! I love you all!! Bye bye!!

(Any edits to spelling mistakes will happen in the future)

BTS Taehyung FF // vampire loveWhere stories live. Discover now