Miss and Hit

238 11 21

Donald Trump walked into his neighborhood park. It was full. However, people left as soon as Trump's shoe touched the entrance.

Poor Trump. He's all alone. Maybe he wouldn't be isolated if he weren't such a bad person *hint hint*.

A certain boy walked by the park, seeing the crowd leave instantly. The crowd seemingly wanted to avoid a... Cheeto puff?

The certain boy was, of course, Jacob Sartorius, seeing how a ton of people already crowded him. Jacob knew he didn't have talent, but the people loved his heavy auto tune. Auto tune works wonders.

For some reason, Jacob felt tempted to look at the orange guy again.

The guy was sad for some reason.

Jacob felt a need to cheer him up. He knows life gets hard as you get older.

Jacob tossed his detachable eyebrows in the air as a distraction. Seeing that literally everyone in the crowd was frantic to collect the brows, Jacob ran Naruto style towards the Cheeto human.

However, the Cheeto human instantly looked mortified by the Jacob without brows. Jacob was confuzzled at first, but then realized the problem.

"Oh... I'm glad I have spares hehe." says Jacob as he applies his spare detachable eyebrows.

Trump still looks mortified, but not as much as he was a few seconds ago.

"So..." Jacob trailed off.

"What is it, not senpie? hehe ;)" Trump asks.

Jacob doesn't react to the sudden change in behavior.

"Well, I was just wondering why you're alone?" Jacob says nervously.

"Oh. Nobody likes me because I can't make a good speech."

Jacob smirks.

Tru Luv: Trump x Sartorius Where stories live. Discover now