Auto Tune

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Jacob thought of a deal.

"I'll give you your popularity if you do something for me in return."

Donald Trump needed his popularity. Desperately.


"No questions on what I need from you?"

"What you need isn't of my concern. I'm rich as hecc."

"Okay, I need the White House for and a new music video."

"Um okay."

Jacob got his very large bag out from his skin-tight jacket.

Rummaging through it, Jacob found the gorgeous machine.

"Introducing the autotune microphone!"

Donald gave a weird face.

"Mc'scuze me, but what the h e c c ?"

"Auto tune works wonders, Mr. Trump."

Trump sighed in annoyance.

"Only auto tune?"

"And speech help from yours truly."

"I'm sure, it's a deal."

Jacob performed his wink and smirk combo.

Tru Luv: Trump x Sartorius Where stories live. Discover now