White House

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Jacob step foot onto the land of presidents. To savor the moment, he quickly took a duck face selfie and made a Musical.ly. Everybody will be jealous.

Trump awkwardly watched Jacob. Being a polite host, he waited to escort the insane youngster into the White House.

3.25 hours later...

Jacob was finally done. Trump then walked forward, motioning Jacob to follow him. Surprisingly, Trump is not tired.

Another time skip

Trump placed the microphone in his spare room.

Jacob was in the halls, yelling something. What was he yelling?

Jacob yelled a sentence again, only some could be decoded.



Trump jumped and ran outside.

"YOU IMBECILE!!!!" Don ald screeches.

Jacob looks at Donald with a smug look on his face. Melania and the kids were nowhere to be seen.

"What happened to my wife and tiny humans?" Donald asks.

"Oh, they left to live on Neptune."

Jacob looked serious enough for Donald to believe.

"Oh okay ecks thuree! X3"

Tru Luv: Trump x Sartorius Where stories live. Discover now