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"Oh, so you aren't wondering where your family is?" asks Jacob.

"Where are they?" Donald asks without concern.

"Be my bae and maybe I'll tell you."

"Okay I'm ur bae."

Jacob blinked for two awkward seconds before blindfolding Donald and dragging him out of the house.

Donald does not know what is going on. All he knew was that he was sitting on an office chair in the middle of the street. What he didn't know was that Jacob was with him too.

Then, a car ran them both over.

Rest in Rip
Naldo Trump
"This is so sad, Alexa ban despacito."

Rip in peace
Rolf Satrorusi
"You can wear my sweatshirt, Donald Trump! <3"

Tru Luv: Trump x Sartorius Where stories live. Discover now