Chapter : 2 The Question

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"Will you go out with me Taya Grace?"

Im shocked. I didnt actually think he liked me untill that kiss. I have liked him since 4th grade. Apparently he liked me as well!

A lot of thoughts are going through my head like. What should i say!? does he really love me!?

I say....." Yes! Yes i will go out with you!"

I ran into his arms. I felt safe there. I never wanted to leave them! He was everything.

I got down from his arms and rush to his room. DAMN HIS HOUSE IS FREEZING!! I put on my favorite jacket that he owned and we sat on the couch and watched our favorite movie together. It was Fast n Furious. we both love that movie!!

We go to eat lunch and i feel really dizzy. I tell Connor and he laid me on his bed. I fall asleep almost instantly. I wake up 2 hours later with him stirtless and his arm around me. I say," babe wake up! I cant breathe!"

Connor puts me on his bak and runs to the childrens hospital which is only like 10 minutes away. I could feel each breathe getting shorter an thinner. When we got to the doctor he pits me on a bed and they rush me into the ER room!

I wake up 5 hours later with Connor holding my hand with his head on my stomach crying. I ask him whats wrong. He says," Taya you have.......

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