Chapter : 4 Chemo

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So i have been diagnosed for about a month now. And im still living with the best boyfriend ive ever had. Hes being so supportive about it a d makigeverything positive i have to use a wheelchair because my body is to weak by itself.

Connor, Im starting Chemo in 2 days. "Ok, im going to be there the whole time!"



Im at the hospital and im about to start chemo.

//Connors POV//

Im worried sick about this cancer thing. But im being positive about it and trying to help in any way i can! Shes in the Chemo thingy rught now. I dont really know what its called so.....



"Connor come in here with me please!"

I walk in there and lay next to her on her hospital bed. Im not ever going to let you go. Thats a promise!

" Always?"


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