Damn Blouse

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But you don't know what it feels like to fall n love with you, no you don't know what it's like when you can't go back

Dean Lewis, Lose my mind

Hermione had just come back to Hogwarts to redo her seventh year, to her supprise she was namend Head Girl. Hermione followed Ginny up to the Gryffindor tower, there were rumors that it was Fred Weasley in the portrait so she had to see. And there he was sitting in his painting mixing potions, just when Gin and Hermione were about to say hello there was an explotion and he looked at them smiling with black ash in his hair.

" Gin! 'Mione oh merlin I've waited so long to see you! " His voice was just as Ginny rememberd and she broke down, Fred looked sad and tried to comfort his sister " I know I wish I could be with you too, but I'm here now "

" I miss you so much Fred " She managed to croak out, not late after Ginny has broken down Hermione too started sobbing.

" Oh Girls come on, don't be sad please "

" Sorry Fred it's just so hard that you're not here anymore "

" But I am "

" Yeah but you know not here "

" Yeah I know, how's Georgie? "

" I'm not gonna lie to you Fred, he's bad, really bad. He lost his second half when you left " Now all three of them were crying

" I'm sorry " Fred says

" No! No, don't ever be sorry! You were the best brother somebody could ever have now don't go feeling guilty for dying okay! " Fred was a little taken aback by his little sisters outburst but quickly smiled instead and said

" Owl him that I'm here would you? Maybe he could come and visist? "

" Of course Fred " Hermione said as she had stoped crying " Well I need to go to my dorms.."

" You're head aren't you? " Fred said grinning

" Yeah "

" I'm so proud of you 'Mione, I knew you would becomme Head Girl sooner or later " Hermione burst into tears again and smiled at him a she made her way back to the dorms. From a faint eco she heard the fat lady say.

" I can't belive I just lost ten galleons to Fred Weasley, how did he know Hermione Granger would become head?"

That was all she needed to push her off the cliff, she went inside and started crying. Sliding down the wall her knes up to her chest she sobbed and cried. She couldn't belive he was accually gone, his bright smile and michevous glances when something happend, and now he was gone.

The thing she didn't notice was that the Head boy was sitting i the armchair watchig her, and it was no other then Draco Malfoy. He felt sorry for the girl in front of him, how could a girl that always seem so happy be so sad. He went forward and hugged her, he didn't really know why he did it only that it felt right.

Hermione didn't care who it was hugging her she knew she needed it.

" Fred.. he,he's the... the portrait at G-Gryffindor tower. And I s-saw him he looked so happy an-and..."

Draco didn't know what to say, all he could think of was.

" I'm sorry "

Hermione knew that low voice but from where?

" Malfoy? "

" Yes Granger "

" Why are you hugging me?"

" Because you looked like you needed it "

At that commment she buries her face in the crook of his neck mumbling.

" Thank you "

" No problem Granger "

-------------Next Morning------------------

" Granger! " Draco couldn't belive her, he was not going to be late on the first day of school because she had to take an hour in the bathroom " Granger class starts in thirty minutes! "

" A minute Malfoy! " Hermione was trying to make her look presentable but Ginny had put some kind of spell on her trunk so that she only could take out one outfit, and of course it was a short tight skirt with a see through blouse, and lace underwear. ' Dear Merlin save me' She put it on and took a deep breath before walking out, it seemed as if the breath Hermione took came from Draco because he has just been knocked out of one.

" Eyes up here Malfoy " She smirked as his face turned a bright shade of red, he then proceeded to walk into the bathroom.

He stood at the sink looking into the mirror not knowing what to think, she was Granger he couldn't fall for Granger. He quickly sent a patrounus to Blaise saying

I just saw Granger in a tight skirt and see through blouse now I can't stop thinking about her, answer quickly!

Just as Draco had asked Blaise the answerd withing minutes.

Finally you realise, God sometimes you're thick. I'm gonna spell this ou for you, You. Are. In. Love. With. Granger

He walked out and knocked on Hermiones door, when nobody answerd he walked in and saw Hermione picking at her buttons of her blouse, not noticing him at all.

Hermione tried to unbotton the buttons on her blouse but with no succsess.

" Uh,uh" Draco coughed anouncing his arrival " You know what spell she has used right? "

Hermione felt a blush creep up her cheeks, she did not like not knowing.

" No "

" You can't take the shirt of "

" So how do I get it of "

" You don't get it of "

" What!? "

" Here let me help "

" Eww that's gross "

" Well I'm guessing Ginny did that to make you walk into the Great Hall looking like this "

Hermione became defensive an crossed her arms over her chest.

" Is there something wrong with how I look? "

" No, the contrary "

" Oh.. "

" Come on let me help "

" Not in a thousand years "

" Then you'll be late "

" Bloody hell, fine "

Draco walked up o her and started unbottening her blouse, as he had said the blose slipped of easily. He felt his breath hiched in his throat as he watched her, she was truly beuiful. Not only because of her body but because of her smile and her brains, yes she could be a know-it-all but that was just because she knew a lot.

" You're beutiful " He whispeard

" What was that Malfoy? " She said as she went to her trunk and her clothes had reapeard.

" I said "Cold hands wrapped around her waist and a muscular chest pressed against her back " You're bloody beutiful "

He turned her around and kissed her agains the wall, hungrily as if there was no tomorrow. To his suprise she kissed him back.

Hermione couldn't belive what was happening, Draco Malfoy kissed her and she kissed him back. When both of them needed oxygen the pulled back standing forhead to forhead.

" I'm so bloody stupid " He mumbled not meaning for Hermione to hear but she did and pushed him back.

" What? "

" Everybody knew exept me " Draco looks down shaking his head laughing a little.

" What?! "

" Everybody keeped telling me but I ignored them "

" Draco Lucius Malfoy, what in Godrics name are you talking about? "

Draco had walked back to her and kissed her slightly on the lips.

" That I love you of course "

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