Chapter Two

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She didn't make it," Aspen told America and Maxon, later that day.

America's hand flew to her mouth. "I'm so sorry."

I nodded weakly.

"What are you going to do?" King Maxon asked.

"We are going to try to adopt," I answered.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" America offered.

Aspen sighed. "That's actually what we wanted to talk about."

King Maxon ran a hand through his hair. "The only thing we can really do is to speed up the process. We can get you to the front of the line, but that's it. There's a matter of the available babies, which is something we can't control."

We were silent. "I wish my mother was here. She had two miscarriages before me, and one afterwards," King Maxon said sadly. "She could have help you guys get through this." 

I was shocked. I didn't know that the late Queen Amberly had as much difficulty as I had.

"Are you sure there is nothing else we can do? I am sure we could get you a day or two off, Aspen," America offered again, looking to King Maxon for confirmation and he nodded.

"Maybe just tomorrow, thank you," Aspen said quietly.

King Maxon took out a sheet of paper, and scribbled something on it. "I am free tomorrow at 2:30. If you want, you two can swing by my office and we can get the offer in."

"Really? Thank you so much!" I cried.

"After all you did for us, it's the least we could do," he said, smiling.


We were having difficulty sleeping. Anyone in our position would. I thought about how in all these years Aspen and I had protected each other. Saved each other. And it broke my heart that I wasn't able to do the same to my unborn children.

"Lucy," Aspen whispered, awakening me from my thoughts.

I rolled over in our bed to look at him. "I want you to know that I will love you no matter what. Even if we don't ever become parents."

I gave him a weak smile. "Thank you, Aspen."

"We can get through this. I know we can," he whispered. Our lips met, and sleep finally came to us.


"Good Afternoon, Lucy and Aspen," King Maxon greeted, as we entered his office.

I gave him a curtsey as Aspen gave him a bow.

"Take a seat," he said, waving off the guards in the room. Once the door closed, Aspen gave him a questioning look.

King Maxon sighed. "You know gossip travels fast around here. I want to reduce it as much as possible."

I gave him a grateful smile.

"First off, I just want to say that the adoption agency that I found is a trusted source," He continued. "We don't want someone leaking to the press that America and I are helping people with adoptions. It wouldn't be fair to the citizens of Illea that are having the same problem that you are."

We both nodded.

We read and signed so much paperwork, I felt that my eyes and hands would fall off. Finally, we had gotten to a good point to stop at for the day. I slumped back in my chair, relieved that we were close to being done. Aspen grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. We smiled at each other.

King Maxon looked over the last sheet of paper and nodded, "I think we are done, for today."

"Thank you for doing this, Maxon. It really means a lot to us," Aspen said.

"It's perfectly fine, Aspen. You and Lucy, of all couples, deserve to have a child."

I gave him a smile, tears starting to pool in my eyes. Aspen reached for a tissue on King Maxon's desk and handed it to me.

"Thanks," I whispered, dabbing my eyes.

King Maxon cleared his throat, "I, uh, want you guys to know that America and I are really doing everything in our power. But even us being royals, doesn't secure anything."

"We are well aware of that. But still, you and Queen America's involvement will really help," I replied.

Aspen's birthday is tomorrow (July 19)!!!!


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