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Scotch: I'm *hic* not drunk! You are!

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Scotch: I'm *hic* not drunk! You are!

Whiskey: Hey there, big boy~ Want a *hic* sip of my vodka?

Martini: *hic* *hic* I can burp the alphabet! Watch!

Pip: Oh look at me! I'm Definately the most fabulous woman here! Pay no attention to anyone else else but me!

Dot: Oh shut it you! *clears throat* Oh I'm Pip and I think I'm sooo great because I'm on top!

Pip: Sometimes I hate you.

Dot: Love you too, sugar.

Phear: Uh. *claps hands together like cymbals*

Chimes: ....

Phear: I had no ideas, Alright? 


Phear: *facepalm*

Chimes: What?! You do that!

Hopus: *transforms his head i to mangosteen's body* Hey Guys it's a mangosteen here! Yep it's me! Mangosteen!

Mangosteen: Ha Ha That is so accurate! Uh. *crosses eyes* With my magical insane powers I will transform you into a radish! Wait, I have a BETTER idea! I will make your leg DISSAPEAR!!! Mwah ha ha ha!

Hopus: *back to normal* That was very good, I must admit.

Mangosteen: Thank you!

Chips: *coughs* Well Listen here bud. *coughs* Smoking ain't bad if ya don't got lungs to give cancer to.

Wheezy: Har har Chips. Very funny. *clears throat* Yee has any one wanna bet? Five coins says ya can't!

Chips: Touché.

Devil: 🎶I'm mister king dice, I'm the gamest in the land. I never play nice, I'm the devil's ohh hand man.🎶

King Dice: That was just a cheap way to get out of it.

Devil: and you're point is?

King Dice: True. *clears throat* I am the all mighty devil! It seems you can't lose, or why not make a bet with me? It's not like I will cry like a baby if you actually get that 1% chance of winning.

Devil: That was backhanded.

King Dice: and your point is?

Devil: Ugh.

Pachinko: *cant speak so he gets a free pass*

Pirouletta: I'm just a lazy fanfiction writer who will forever be alone and everyone hates. I write xreader fanfiction because I fangirl over King Dice and I will never have love for myself. Boo hoo. I'm an attention whore as well, so don't even bother with me. Boo hoo. I'm also a Fat bitch who can't take a compliment. Wan. Wah.

Eva: That was surprisingly spot on. I still hate you.

Pirouletta: Hmph.

Eva: *in a really bad russian accent* My name is Pirouletta. My name is  pun even though I despise puns! I also hate all things fun! As well as rhymes. I can't STAND rhymes! If you haven't noticed, my style is russian. VERY russian! Vkusno!

Pirouletta: Why am I here with a class-deprived girl like you?

Eva: Because I write the book. You're a fan favorite from the casino so if I don't have you, lots less reads. Just be glad this isn't some perverted smut book.

Pirouletta: Doesn't mean I have to enjoy your presence.

Eva: Not what I'm asking, Miss Prim And Proper. Now, I think that ends the chapter. Don't forget to dare us more!

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