Chapter One; A Prayer For Help

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Hurrying across the newly rebuilt Bifrost, Loki strode purposefully towards Heimdall's observatory.
He knew he was taking a serious risk, but he had no choice and he could only hope that Heimdall would not ask too many awkward questions.

"Your majesty..."
Heimdall greeted him with a bow.

"Open the Bifrost Heimdall, I have an important matter to attend to."
Loki instructed

As expected Heimdall looked at him curiously,
"My Lord, you are going alone?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes with frustration Loki replied,
"Yes Heimdall I do not require any assistance...this is a private matter"

Eyeing Loki with his amber coloured eyes, for a brief moment Loki feared Heimdall's suspicion. But he would not - could not...refuse orders from the King, not again.

Because although it was Loki who stood before him now, it was Odin that he saw and Loki even spoke with Odin's voice.

Reluctantly Heimdall placed his two-handed sword into the security control panel, using it as a key to activate the opening of the gateway.

"Where to your Highness?"
He asked

Loki breathed a small sigh of relief, then replied,

Heimdall frowned,
"Your majesty, those lands are vast, mysterious and still unknown to us, with all due respect, you could be putting yourself in grave danger-"

"Just do it Heimdall, I'm well aware of the risks. But thank you for your concern."
Loki snapped, barely managing to contain his temper.

The truth was he was already painfully aware that taking an impromptu expedition into a realm that was yet to be explored by the Aesir, was far from sensible.

But he had no choice. There was a prophecy to fulfil.


In the depths of the enchanted forest, a beautiful young woman was on her knees, weeping beside the small camp fire she had made.

Usually her wits were sharp but in her solemn state she failed to notice the shaft of bright light that suddenly came from the sky.

Similarly, she failed to hear the soft footfalls approaching through the undergrowth due to the crackling embers of the fire.

Then all at once she felt uneasy, as though she was being watched. Her keen instincts were correct, as she looked up to see a tall dark figure between the trees.

Filled with panic, she quickly grabbed the sword she'd brought with her, and leapt to her feet.

"W-what do you want with me?"
She demanded, stammering nervously.

As the figure came closer she lifted the sword in trembling hands. It was a lot heavier than she'd expected it to be, and required both hands to hold it steady.

"Do not point that weapon at me, woman!"
Loki's smooth voice cut through the cold night air, startling her further
"You requested help did you not?"

Still shaking, she lowered the tip of the sword slightly, but did not put it down.

"Do I know you?"
She asked, as he stepped into the soft glow of the fire light... allowing her to see him clearly,
"Who are you?"

Her blue eyes widened as she gazed upon his handsome features and the elaborate clothing and horned helm he wore.

He looked so regal and otherworldly to her, she was awe struck.

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