Chapter Six : Sweet Temptation

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As they walked, Loki supplied an explanation to Belle regarding his new ability to be seen as himself by her, but not by others.

She listened intently, wide-eyed in wonder and hung on his every word. He found her unwavering attention and outspoken and unconcealed admiration of his talents, a welcome and refreshing change.

He was also surprised by how the conversation flowed, and when the subject changed he noted how she chatted away with such ease to him, and he was more than happy listening on in silence.

She talked about how she enjoyed walking down by the lake and through the woods, but at times she longed for company, so made regular trips into the village.
At that point she thanked him for rescuing her from Sigurd's unwanted attentions.

Loki let out a genuine laugh, which was like music to her ears,
"You have no....romantic... interest in him then?" 
He enquired, as casually as possible

Belle made a face, which caused Loki to laugh further still.

"He has little interest in anyone but himself..."
She remarked with disarming honesty.
"....which reminds me too much of Gaston. Such a man would not suit me at all"

Satisfied with this response and unbeknownst to her, Loki bit back a contented grin and felt no need to press her further on the matter.

They walked on in comfortable silence.
The sun had risen high in the sky and it was a beautiful day.

At last they reached the cottage, and for a fleeting moment Belle suddenly felt slightly awkward, remembering the heated exchange that had last taken place here between the two of them.

Hesitating at the door, she turned to look at him, though for reasons unknown to her, she wasn't brave enough to meet his eyes.

"I'm glad you came back my Lord. After we parted on...such bad terms...I feared I would not see you again."

Loki shifted, slightly uncomfortable with broaching the subject.
"Yes,'re the only one whom I could test out my new illusion spell on." 
He replied, very matter of fact.

Belle's face fell as she digested this new information,
"So, you merely came back to use me as part of an experiment."
The words left her mouth before she had chance to think.

Loki felt a slight twinge deep within his chest as he registered the hurt in her eyes, yet at the same time his stomach seemed to flip as he realised what her disappointment might mean.

"Well,'re the only one who I've shared my secret with."
He added hastily.

Belle nodded slowly,
"So I alone get to see you as you are, whilst everyone else sees a different I have at least earned your trust."

Reluctantly Loki nodded, and when she looked up at him and smiled again, this time straight into his eyes, he felt strangely warm all over. He quickly reasoned with himself that it had to be the sun causing this.

She unlocked her door, but he declined her invitation to go inside for a while.
As innocent and friendly as the offer was, he suddenly felt panic stricken.
This strange captivating effect she seemed to have on him was unnerving and he was beginning to let his guard down more and more.

Allowing this to happen was a mistake, and he was eager to get away. He cursed himself silently for even going back in the first place.
What had he hoped to gain?
Well, enough was enough.
Handing her the basket, he quickly muttered his goodbyes and left.


After storing her goods away, Belle decided to take a walk down to the lake and bathe.

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