The Confession

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The next day you got a text.

harryholland64: hey could you come over?

Y/N: Sure


You arrive there and see both brothers there in front of you. They sit you down.

"We have decided to tell you everything we feel and then you decide."


Harry starts

"I have loved you since I saw you. You were the girl in my dream come true. I saw us traveling the world and being in love. You make me smile and happy with your kindness and loving spirit. Every day I think about you and I'm so glad you are in my life. I wouldn't have it any other way. You are the stars in the sky to me."

Tom then followed

"Your personality has lightened my life. You have such a warm heart and lovingness about you and that's what I want. No that's what I need. I showed you me every day at the studio and I gets pretty lonely. I need my wife at home welcoming me home and making me feel loved. And the only person I can see being that is you. Your beautiful face. You have my heart."

You sit there in shock. They have both loved you so much. You don't want to hurt one of them but you must.


"Who do you chose?"

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