chapter 3

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A small knock sounded at Alexus' door.

"Excuse me miss," the door opened slightly as a young maid entered.

"My name is Gale. The master has wished for me to see to your dressing."

Alexus nodded her head slowly, "Pleased to meet you Gale, I am Alexus. I suppose we will be seeing alot of each other?"

"Yes, we will," Gale stated with a cheerful smile, " Master Hades has assigned me to be your handmaiden. Which basically means I will be seeing to anything you may need, along with helping you dress and bathe. If you have any qualms please be sure to let me know and we shall straighten things out. Everyone wants you to feel comfortable and happy here. Master Hades has been in a wonderful mood these last few weeks and you seem to be the cause My Lady, so naturally we all want you happy as well."

Alexus smiled a small smile and gave a slight nod.

"Well i would love a bath." Alexus stated, her smile growing.

Gales' smile stretched wide as she bounced slightly and led her new lady to the adjoining bathroom.

Gale opened the door and waved Alexus inside.

What she saw amazed her even further.

In the center of the room sat a rather large claw foot tub that immediately drew her attention.

Oh how she would love to soak in there every night.

The bath had always been a comfort to her, an escape from her tormentor who never bothered her in the bathroom for reasons unknown to her.

Her gaze swept to the far left corner where a magnificent shower stood.

Behind the frosted glass doors she saw that the walls were made of polished stone, and the shower head was a large disc hanging from the ceiling.

Alexus wondered if it would feel like standing in the rain.

Her eyes sparkled as she glanced along the right wall and noticed an ivory sink and marble countertops lined with new toiletries, all in expensive looking glass bottles or filed away in chrome dishes. She noticed new toothbrushes and what looked to be lotions and perfumes.

She walked slowly around the room, trailing her fingers over the tub and counter, running her hands over the plush fabric of brand new white towels that felt more like a blanket than something you were supposed to dry yourself with but she wasnt going to complain.

Everything here was more elegant than anything she could ever imagine, but then again, she was in a castle.

The thought snapped her back to reality, or maybe a dream created by her subconscious.


"Yes my lady?"

"Am I dreaming?"

The question was serious. She hadn't had time to question the reality of everything but standing here in this beautiful room she wondered if her mind was being cruel. She wondered if she would wake up in the hospital with her abuser beside her, smiling menacingly at her, whispering what he might do to her when she was released for putting him through all the trouble she has.

She felt hot tears fall from her eyes as a small hand touched her shoulder softly.

"Nay miss, you are truly here," Gale looked into her Mistress' broken gaze and gave a small smile.

"It will take some adjusting but I assure you my lady that you are not dreaming. Everything you see will not disappear while you sleep tonight. And you are safe here, whoever put that look in your eyes will not be finding you any time soon, or ever if Master Hades has any say about it."

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