Chapter 5

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"Queen of the Underworld?!" Alexus screeched much to her surprise and Hades.

She realized she was being to loud and she lowered her head to look at her feet.

"Im sorry. You just caught me off guard, but then again I guess it shouldn't surprise me. I mean, I know how monarchys work. I guess it just hadn't really sank in yet."

Hades chuckled, "Nonsence Love, you have the right to be surprised. Especially after the day you have had. Do not worry though. I will teach you everything you need to know about ruling by my side in time. And I can even have my Brothers wives help you adjust to being a Queen if you would like. They have all been dying to meet you at any rate."

"Brothers?" Alexus was starting to feel dizzy for the first time today.

"Yes, Zues and Posidon." Hades chuckled again, " You really do need that class my dear."

"This is real isnt it? Im not dreaming am I." Alexus pinched her arm through the purple lace. She felt the sting of the pinch and her head swam.

"Hades, I dont feel so well."

"Are you alright Love, you look pale." Hades saw her eyes grow distant and he lunged to catch her as her knees gave out.

He knew she had been handling this better than he thought she would. She really thought she was dreaming.

He shook his head as he cradled her and carried her back to her bedroom to rest for a while. He would see that she eat something when she woke.


She could smell the alcohol on him the second he opened the door. She didn't need to lift her head from the vegetables she was chopping to know that he would be heading her way to make sure she had dinner prepared.

Which, admitedly she was a bit late to start. The busted ribs he had given her the night before had proven to be quite a pain while she was trying to clean earlier.

She heard his footsteps edging closer and could practically feel him stumble into the doorway.

"Why is my  plate empty bitch. I thought I made myself clear when I told you I wanted dinner done before I got home."

"Im sorry honey, I got distracted cleaning earlier. It wont happen again I swear. " She flinched against pain that she expected but never received.

She continued chopping vegetables tensely.

"Your water is boiling over. " His gruff voice whispered in her ear.

"I-I'll get that right now."

She rushed over to move the pot off the to hot burner but realized that the water wasnt boiling at all. Barely even simmering.

She fell for it again.

She felt his breath on her neck.

"I dont take kindly to being disobeyed  'Honey'" He spat the last word.

She felt his hand clamp around her wrist and she tried to fight back, but he was to strong for her small stature to do any damage.

She screamed as she felt the white hot coils press against her hand. The smell of burnt flesh will forever be engrained in her mind.


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