(0): Wellston Contestants |1st Division|

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This story takes place in many locations. It features a Turf Wars styled "Games" that take place in the Arena. In this realm, Seraphina knows about John's true abilities earlier on. He and Arlo are grudging allies--as they both agree that Arlo is to continue being king instead of John. Arlo will not bother John and try to understand his ideals--if John agrees to participate in the Arena on Wellston's team due to the threat of other schools in different regions. They may contest Wellston for true dominance.

John may become Arlo's successor next year...if things go on as planned. How will Wellston handle the challenge of the upcoming Arena Games?


♥️ ACE: Seraphina ♥️

Ability: Time Manipulation

Ability Level: 8.0+ (Semi-canon due to the "+")

0+ (Semi-canon due to the "+")

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Report Card:

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Report Card:

History - A+ "Why do we need to know all of this when John's version is the truth?"

Trigometry- A+ "Really no trouble."

Chemistry - A+ "I should have taken this class sooner due to all these similar concepts..."

English - A+ "Not my favorite class, that's for sure."

Language - A- "Who cares about foreign languages these days?"

Phys Ed. - A+ "The easiest class in the world." (Of course, it would be...with an ability like that. -.-)


♦️ KING: Arlo ♦️

Ability: Barrier

Ability Level: 6.3 (Canon)

3 (Canon)

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