(5) The Simulation Pt.2

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"Next...Remi, you'll be up against the King of Grendella."

"But I'm--"

Both King and Queen exchanged equally fiery glares before Remi huffed and turned away.

Seraphina raised her eyes, glancing over at John before taking a sip of her bubble tea. John only shrugged in return. The King of Grendella wasn't a god tier, which meant John would have taken him down easily.

"This will be a close match," Arlo warned, "his ability level is 5.3 and he's a Superhuman."

"Well, this is why we're practicing with simulations," Remi responded, strolling up to the simulation square.

The clone of King Albert LeBlanc was taller than Arlo, possessing hazel eyes and red hair. Unlike the other times, this clone had lightly tanned skin and the corners of its mouth lifted.

But Remi knew why this clone seemed more alive than the others. She and Arlo had actually met the King of Grendella before. Although Albert LeBlanc had been kind to her, he and Arlo didn't get along, which was no surprise to Remi.

Albert tipped his head. "So we meet again." Remi didn't think it was Arlo controlling her opponent. It was something else. The clone smirked, suddenly appearing very un-Albert-like. "This is such a shame. I'd rather lose to the King of Wellston than beat up a pretty face like yours." Okay, this clone isn't Arlo or Albert. Remi lifted her head. At least I won't feel bad about destroying him.

The clone narrowed its eyes as Remi summoned the lightning, eyes glowing

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The clone narrowed its eyes as Remi summoned the lightning, eyes glowing. It activated its ability in a heartbeat, zooming away easily. Dammit. He's fast. I'll have to resort to close combat then. A few seconds later, he was in front of her, slamming his hands into her. Remi hissed, batting those strengthened hands away with her lightning.

The pink-haired girl strengthened her ability until she lit up like a lightning charge. She sensed him behind her and twisted, aiming a lightning empowered kick to his shins. He winced, more from the electricity than the actual kick, and she zoomed away.

He's going to counter most of my ability, Remi groaned, I hope that Arlo's more sensible when it comes to the real Arena.

The next moment, Remi cried out as Albert slammed into her. She twisted on the floor, zapping the clone with all her strength. He winced, shielding his arm. At least he can't heal himself. He might be able to if he's a god tier...but at least he isn't.

Strength wouldn't be able to beat a superhuman. But cunning would.

She dodged his attacks, making sure he believed that she was to be his prey. That she would tire soon. She huffed a breath, clutching her shoulders, and the clone grinned triumphantly. It dashed into her and then she exploded.

The clone shrieked in pain as Remi left, safe and grimly smiling, as she watched her contraption continue to electrocute the clone.

The simulation faded and Remi turned.

"Time-consuming but you won. That's all that matters in the end," said Arlo.

Blyke let out a cheer and Isen clapped, although the latter was unable to hide the boredom from his face.

"Do you want to be tested?" Arlo demanded, noting this.

Isen's eyes widened. "N-no...I'm just hungry."

Arlo narrowed his eyes before huffing a sigh. "Fine. But if we're eating, we're doing it together."

"Then let's just get some take-out and go to the dorms," offered Remi.

Arlo narrowed his eyes at Seraphina and John. "You guys are coming too. So are you, Cecile." John bristled while Seraphina rolled her eyes.

"That's fine but we'll make a quick stop to--"

"The boba place? We'll go there too," Blyke offered the Ace.

Cecile groaned. "Okay, I'll just wait for you guys in the dorms."

Isen frowned. "Then what are you going to eat?"

"Humans. I kept them chained to my basement for so long, they're going to start rotting."


Cecile seems less suspicious, I wonder what could have happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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