draco x kara

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requested by karasaling16
im so sorry about how long this took!! i have been super unmotivated lately and writing hasn't come easily. anyway, i hope you like it!
dancing had been my passion since i was nearly six years old. it was an outlet for me, a way to escape and relax. it was a form of art, and i got to be the artist. i just loved to dance.

i was busy choreographing an original dance in the slytherin common room because it was very late at night and everyone had gone to bed. the girls in my dormitory hated that i kept them up with my dancing each night which is why i moved to this area. there was a decent sized mirror, and plenty of space, so i didn't complain.

sweat ran down my forehead as i ended the dance with a triple pirouette. (did that make sense?? the last time i took dance was in sixth grade lol) i suddenly heard the creaky sound of someone stepping on a floorboard. i whipped my head around quickly to see the infamous draco malfoy standing in the doorway.

"w-what're you doing here?" i asked, hoping he had just arrived.

"what do you mean? this is the slytherin common room. i am a slytherin after all." draco smirked.

"oh, right." i mentally face palmed. "how much of that did you see?"

"i would say, nearly all of it. you're really good kara." he stepped towards me a bit.

"it must have made you, um, excited." i cleared my throat. he looked down and his faced flushed a bit.

he chuckled, "you could say that. i'll be honest with you, it was pretty hot."

i winked at him and by habit, bit my lip. "stop that."

"stop what?"

"biting your lip" he reached his hand up to my mouth and pulled my bottom lip out from my teeth. my cheeks turned a light pink shade as he stepped closer, connecting his grey eyes with mine. "i've been waiting to do this for a long time." he grabbed my face and passionately kissed me. our lips were synchronized, moving together as if they had known the feeling of each other for longer. we separated, heat growing between us. less than five seconds later, our lips connected again, but this time, it was more vigorous. his tongue exploring my mouth and vice versa. eventually, i pulled away, lips a bit swollen from the constant contact with his.

"damn, we should do this more often." he said and walked away, leaving me there with a small smirk and a heavily beating heart.
again, im sorry it took so long! im aware it's short, and i apologize, it's just what came to me at the moment. also, i didn't know how sexual you wanted it or anything so i kept it as pretty much fluff.

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