26: not worthy

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'nee chan.Arigato!!'

red: just fulfilling your papa's wishes.

That little girl was the one from the ball.

maka: you guys know each other?

' um.Nee chan askes me to make you step on the long long dress.She helped me to fulfill papa's promise to me.'

maka: red... that ball was organized by you.

red:*smiles* don't worry.  I pay for all of it.

maka: you should stop carrying all the burdens onto yourself.

red:*smiles* I have to. I am red the homonculus.

maka: you really...ok with blue and kid?

red: yup.

kid heads over in their direction.

red: got to go.

Red leaves in the opposite direction

kid: she's avoiding me.

maka: she's...really nice.

soul: too nice. So nice I wouldn't have thought her to be a witch.


stein: kid?

kid: nothing much. Just thought that maybe red would be here.

stein: she did come here just now.For soul wavelength.

kid: told her to come look for me.

stein: did you know? A body can't hold more than two different souls.Complete or not, the maximum is 2.

kid: why are you telling me that?

stein: just saying.You don't have to worry what went between us. Even how close we were.

kid: I trust red. I...trust stein hakasei.


blue: can I ask you for a favor?

red: blue?

blue: let go of kid.

red: blue... but you have seen...

blue: you have to reject in his face!!! Please...

red: I...I...

blue: please...

red: I can't bring myself to do it...I'll avoid him . That's all...

blue: don't be selfish!!! You can't have children for him!! So why are you hogging him?!!! Just make it clear already!!!

blue pov:

what...just came out of my mouth... I turned away from her. I couldn't face her after saying that.

red: I... I... understand.

blue: arigato.


*knock knock*

red: yes?

blue: its me.

red pov:

I opened the door and I saw...

red: blue!!! Kid...

kid: as I thought. You'll only open the door if its others.

red: leave. I told you...

He didn't wait for me to finish my sentence.  He grabbed onto my shoulder and pushed me with strength making me walk backwards while he forwarded. My back hit against the wall.

He looked into my eyes with serious looks. ' why are you selfish? Why do you decide everything?'

I look away.I can't look into his eyes.He...softens me... I will cave in.

kid: look at me!!

I refused to.

kid: I don't mind between you and stein.I don't love blue.

red: don't say that...she's...

' she's here.I know.I want her to know.' he interrupts.

red: stop it...stop it...stop it!!!

I push him away.

red: I...can't have children for you... I'm not better than blue. I am not worthy of you.

Blue hugged him from the back. 'she's right. I can have kids for you. You're the only shinigami son.Its important for you to have kids isn't it? I look exactly like red too. ' She kissed his cheek.

My tears were at my edge. I was giving away kid...by my very own hands...

blue: I can even dye my hair red.

kid: that's it?

blue: what do you mean?

kid: I'm asking if that's the only problem?

blue: what...its...important isn't it?

Kid pushes her away and walks towards me.He was now very close to my face. He cupped my cheek gently.

kid: that's not a problem. True that kids are important. But... we can always make an artificial one using parts of me and you.You are a witch.

My tears flowed...no one wanted me that badly. I was truly touched. I hugged him and more tears flowed.

red: why are you so stubborn?

kid: because I am not stein hakasei. I am kid and I love you.I love this symmetrical piece of homonculus. You are perfect for me.

blue: you two...really love each other...

red: blue...gomene...I hurt you.

blue: no. I am happy for you. I hope both of you to be together.  I purposely said that to see if both of you would stick together.

kid: well you got your answer.


maka: the evil witches are here!!!

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