Flutters- An Ed Virginity Oneshot

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"Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, it's bobsled time! COOL RUNNINGS!"

You cannot help but crack up at the childish enthusiasm that just spills out of your boyfriend every time his favourite movie comes on. The way his clear blue eyes crinkle when he smiles and laughs, and the way that he knows EVERY word of this movie and quotes it verbatim? It's endearing, really, never mind completely adorable. He takes such pleasure in the simple things.

It's a dreary, cloudy day, pissing down freezing rain, and the two of you have decided that PJ's, blankets, movies and your comfy overstuffed couch are your only goals for the day. He's sprawled back, laying kind of sideways against the cushions at one end of the couch, while you're sprawled against a pillow at the other end, semi facing him, your legs battling for dominancy of the couch.

You feel a toe poke you in the calf, and you look over to see one invisible eyebrow raised, staring at you with mock indignation. "You laughing at me, woman??" he says with a grin. "A classic film such as this deserves reverence! Respect!"

"The movie? Maybe. Your Jamaican accent?" You poke him back with determination. "Not even!"

His mouth drops and he grabs his chest, feigning betray and horror. "You cut DEEP! My accents are renowned, I'll have you know!" He moves suddenly, swooping over you and pinning you to the cushions with his body, and mercilessly digging his fingers into your ribs, tickling you until you beg for mercy. "EDWARD. I swear to GOD, ED STOPPP!!"

You've got tears streaming down your cheeks as you shriek with laughter, and finally he lets up, pure satisfaction on his face as he lifts his hands in victory. You take this handy opportunity to spring up and knock him backwards, straddling his hips and finding his sweet, soft belly in order to launch your own counterattack. His eyes widen as he realizes your intent and his body twists sideways in order to evade your fingertips. His unbridled, joyful giggles may be the best thing ever in all of life, as far as you're concerned, you cannot get enough of them, and they are completely uncontrolled right now. Your fingers find their target and he's yelping, offering full surrender as your fingers find their target.

By the end the both of you are gasping for breath, tears in your eyes from laughing. He's looking at you, that look that is so tender and so special, the one that's reserved only for you. You smile, almost shyly, and bite your lip. His hand reaches for your face, cupping your chin, and as he pulls himself up to a semi-sitting position, he so softly brushes your lips with his. That familiar butterfly flutters in your belly, and your hands find his beard, fingers running through the soft copper scruff, pulling his face to yours, deepening the kiss. His tongue gently parts your lips, seeking to taste you, and his hand is gently running through your hair. The pads of his thumb skates along the contour of your cheekbone, your jawline, your neck, tracing every inch of your face. Your hands find their way to his silky fiery-red hair, copper locks always in a disarray, and your fingers wind your way into it, loving the way he hums with contentment as your hands work their magic on his scalp.

He moans as his mouth covers yours, deepening the kiss again, and suddenly, you can feel HIM, pressing against your thigh, as he holds you close. You blush as he shifts, feeling it against you, and feeling you stutter, he pulls back just a bit.

You love Ed. Intensely, deeply, and with no hesitation. There were some things though that you hadn't yet shared. 20 years old, you had grown up in loving, supportive household, but also a traditional one. You had grown up with plenty of love and affection, in a very hands-on household, with very traditional values. Sex was not something you had ever taken lightly. Growing up, you were taught that sex was something to be valued and cherished, a gift to be given to the right man, in love and trust. Not some token to be spent whenever with whoever. You had always taken that to heart, wanting to save such a special experience for the right person. Up until your relationship with Ed, your love life had consisted of a string of cheaters and fuck boys, so there had never really been any temptation. Marriage-Only wasn't necessarily something you were committed to, but being sure of the right person was.

Flutters....An Ed Sheeran Losing-your-virginity OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now