Days, weeks, months.

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The next day, Todd refused to make any eye contact with Jon. It was to embarrassing to see him after crying in his arms. Ever sense then, Todd has really been questioning his sexuality. Dose he like girls in a way he feels for Jon?...well... no- but he still likes girls... kinda... not really- but all he knows, he has feelings for Jon, except one thing- he still doesn't know his name— and that was his goal for him- to ablest know his name. Until when he walked into school, the same time as Jon too- he can't take the embarrassment and awkwardness- but Jon could-
'Uh- I saw you yesterday-' said Jon to Todd
'TODD IS ME, HELLO.' Todd said looking at the wall. Like I said, avoiding eye contact.
Jon thought it was funny- and did the same thing.
'HELLO, TODD. JON IS I, HELLO.' Jon shouted at the same wall as Todd until Todd ran away yelling 'I- uh- DON'T WHAT TO BE LATE!' Jon was totally oblivious towards Todd's feelings- he just thought it was just a shy guy.  Some people would be happy that their crush wouldn't know, or be absolutely oblivious towards their feelings, but not Todd- in fact, after he turned around the nearest corner and just sat, and waited for someone to come around the corner. But the bell rang, and he got in trouble. So did Jon, he was late too. Then a few months past, the same routine, Todd is nervous around Jon, and Jon is totally oblivious, Jon even ended it with that emo guy for cheating. Soon the dance came about...

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