not so devilish dance

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Todd waited out side of his house, checking his watch to go to the car and pick up Jon. he was ouy side of his house 2:00-3:00 before he ran to the car (luckly he knew how to drive) he drove to Jon's house, and picked him up.
Jon had a nice pastelish blue tux, and a pair navy blue pants.
'Do I look nice?' Ask Jon
'uh- p-pretty- I mean-- nice- or you look-' Stutterd Todd, 'I look pretty?' Jon said, letting himself in the car. 'v-very--' Todd said sitting down into his seat. They drove to the dance and walked infront of the school. Jon held his hand through out the car ride, and Todd was just noticing Jon clutching his hand. Todd blushed really hard, then walked into the school, seeing everyone and even Jon's group of friends. Jon wave to the group, and the group waved back.
'wish I had one of those..' Todd thought to himself, before Jon dragged him to the group. Jon and his friends talked before Jon introduced Todd. The group was actually pretty nice to him. Saying things like,'You are pretty lucky' and 'you too look really cute together!' Y'know, stuff like that. Everyone started to dance, well if you call 10 or lower people dancing everyone, and Jon wanted to dance too. Todd didn't know for sure, but Jon kept looking at the people dancing. Todd was hesitate to ask, until the slow dance music
'LAGSAM DANS MED MIG!' Screamed Todd, but right after covered his mouth, blushing. 'You're such a jerk Todd, WHY DID YOU JUST SCREAM IN SWEDISH!?' Todd thought to him self, but quickly intruped by jon's laughter. 'What??' Laughed Jon. For the first time, Todd was relieved that Jon was laughing.
'Uh- do- do you want to slow dance..' Todd said. 'Of course! This is a date isn't it?' Said Jon, grabbing his hand. They didn't know how to slow dance, but they still had fun. when it was over, Jon gave Todd a kiss. When it happened, Todd squeeze Jon's hands, but Jon didn't care. Todd was blushing extremely hard, it was the first kiss he had on the lips. After that, his phone rang, but he didn't answer, he just waited till Jon pulled away. For some reason, he was waiting for someone to pore period blood on his head, or call him a fagot or at least something like that. But nothing happened. But he didn't even feel dumb when he said 'that was my first kiss, so I wasn't ready--' He felt like himself. Jon laughed at his comment though, but in a comforting way. After Jon's friends called him back, Todd checked his phone, and he needed to come home, Todd looked at his phone, then looked at Jon... He bit his lip, and walked to Jon, and said that we needed to go. Jon nodded, and walked to the car with him, just like how they walked in, they where holding hands. Todd and Jon got into the car and drove to Jon's house. Before Jon got out, Jon tackled Todd with kisses, and left. When Jon got into his house. Todd fisted that air, as if he won the olipics. And drove home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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