The devilish dance

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The dance, or what Todd would call it, the devilish dance, was coming in 4 weeks, and his mom asked him if he did want to come, and the first thing that came to Todd's mind was Jon,
'Uh.. why not?' Todd said to him self.
by this time, Todd's mom was getting the hang on English, but she can still not say that many words.
'it... sounds like fun... I guess.' murdered Todd to himself.
(four in a half weeks passed)
Todd got up from his bed and went to the mirror. He wanted to ask Jon to the dance. 'But how?' Todd thought. Todd got his phone, in thoughs four in a half weeks he got Jon's phone number. He looked down at Jon's phone number... he tapped his number and looked down onto his keyboard. He hesitated to even text 'hi'. 'act cool' he typed, 'hey'

Todd 'hey'
Jon 'who's this?'
At that point, Todd started to panic, and didn't think about what he was typing.
Todd 'Todd, from school'
Jon 'oh, hi!'
Todd was relieved. 'I was thinking, maybe we can do something sometime... like go to the dance.' Todd typed on his keyboard, he read it, and ment to delete it, but he hit 'send' instead. Todd was panicking more than usual. he almost through his phone, until he read the text...

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