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Jeno was bouncing up and down, standing by the vans at the back door of the soccer stadium. He bit his lip and MC Ari had told him multiple times to stop this. He had a schedule tomorrow and he shouldn't have chapped lips for that. But the teenage boy—of course—didn't listen.

"Hyung! There she is!" He called and wiped his sweaty hands on his shirt, while Inhwa came running out of the stadium, her own manager right behind her. "Jeno, hi!" Inhwa called and ran up to him, stopping just a millimeter before crashing into his chest.

Son Woochan went up to greet Ari and let the teenagers talk in peace. "I saw some Dispatch photographers around the stadium. They heard Wanna One was here today and are trying to catch them. But I bet they already found out Jeno's here as well." Ari spoke and Woochan nodded. "Yes. I saw some of these bastards by the vans over there. I bet it's time for Jeno and Inhwa's 'romance' to get revealed."

The two managers exchanged a look, while the teenagers were happily speaking about the game.

"Your goal was amazing, Inhwa!" Jeno grabbed Inhwa's hand and held it tight. Inhwa smiled happily and nodded. "It was so sudden and I thought it was offside but it wasn't!" Inhwa grinned and moved her hand that was linked with Jeno's. "Shall we grab something to drink over there?" Inhwa asked and pointed at a coffee shop close to the stadium. Jeno nodded. "I'll pay because you won!"

The coffee shop was completely empty, so Inhwa and Jeno had no problems getting a table in the corner. Woochan and Ari stayed outside, talking about other scheduled dates. 

Inhwa played with the tips of her hair, wondering what Jiwoo was talking with Wanna One. Jihoon would probably talk to her, or she would talk to him. Maybe she would greet Woojin in Inhwa's name. It was a bummer Inhwa couldn't meet her favorite band, but looking at Jeno's broad shoulders by the counter made that thought disappear.

She was happy that she could celebrate her success with Jeno. He was a close friend already and Inhwa was happy that it was Jeno, whom she had to fake a relationship with, and not someone she wouldn't click with.

Jeno came back to their table with a tray. "I also bought two pieces of cake." He smiled and setted the tray in the middle of the table. He handed Inhwa her cup of Lemon Ade and took his own cup of Iced Americano. "Isn't it too late to drink coffee?" She asked and pointed at his cup. Jeno laughed.

"It is indeed. But I am too hyped to sleep anyways. The game was really good. I'm such an amateur at football but even I could see that your team did better than Uruguay." Jeno gave her one of his famous eye smiles and Inhwa's insides warmed up.

"Thank you, Jeno!" She grinned and took a sip from the Lemon Ade. "This is a red velvet cake by the way. And this one is a blueberry tart. I thought we could ... share them." Jeno blushed slightly and Inhwa grinned brightly and nodded, taking a piece of the Red Velvet cake and offering it to Jeno.

The two teenagers were in their own world, not realizing the paparazzi outside and the barista taking their pictures. They were in their own bubble, like two normal teenagers that were slowly falling in love with each other.

"Did you read the book I recommended to you?" Jeno asked after a while, the blueberry tart was almost gone and his Iced Americano was empty. "I didn't have time to read it, but I got myself the audiobook to it and it was really good." Inhwa smiled and Jeno nodded.

"I forget that soccer players have to practice every day and don't have a lot of free time either." He chuckled. "Yes. It is indeed hard. We have a lot of schedules and since I became a model I have even more schedules. Next week my team and I will fly to Russia to support our Oppa's in the world cup. It's their game against Germany and Son Heung Min-oppa already gave me one of his jerseys to wear. Jiwoo and I are really excited." Inhwa grinned and Jeno pouted.

"So I won't be able to see you next week?" He asked and Inhwa nodded. "We have to interview the players as well. It's more of a work schedule than a private one." She bit her lip. "I'll text you every day. As I always do." Inhwa smiled.

"Who do you like more, Son Heung Min or me?" - "That's not fair, Jeno. Heungmin-oppa is my Sunbae and your my ... my..." Inhwa bit her lip and looked at Jeno who blushed once more. "My boyfriend." Inhwa finally managed to finish her sentence and Jeno chuckled. 

"Fake Boyfriend." He said and looked at the tart in front of him. "Yes. Fake." Inhwa said and looked down as well. "You're at least one of my most real best friends, Jeno-yah." Inhwa said to lift the mood and Jeno smiled. "Yes. At least that." He whispered and stood up when he saw Ari and Woochan waving at them from outside.

"I think we need to go." Jeno offered Inhwa his hand and she took it, walking outside with him. Once in front of their managers, they quickly hugged each other. "Until we see each other again, Lee Jeno." - "Have fun in Russia, Do Inhwa," Jeno said and watched Inhwa walk away with Woochan.

Once they were out of sight, Jeno sighed. MC Ari looked at him. "You're alright?" He asked and Jeno gave him a weak smile. "She's nice." He said. "Jeno, remember this is only for promotional purposes." - "Yes, Hyung. I know. That still doesn't stop me from thinking she's nice." He looked at the floor and Ari sighed.

"Please try to not get too many feelings involved, ok?" The manager asked and started walking towards their car. "Yes, Hyung. I'll try."

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