chapter three

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As the stone generals returned to winters tower, along with the foot clan, who had brought saya along with them.
“ what seems to be the problem?” winters asked annoyed as he looked at karai.
“ the problem is that you hired us to patrol the city and report anything strange to you,” karai looked angered when looking at winters, “ you never said anything about monsters.”
“ ooh now i’m sorry that your illustrious group have been reduced to higher guns,” the stone generals stood behind him, “ but i believe we made a deal karai and i expect you to honor it…. You do understand honor don’t you?”
Karai was silent, which made winters smirk.
“ so how did we fair?” the monster slowly slides in front of him, “ my my my and what is your name?”
The monster looks at winters, giving a sharp roar, spitting in his face.  

“ were there any problems general?” he asked aguila.
“ none my lord,” said aguila.
“ then show these fools how a true warrior acts,” he looks at the leader, “ keep them on schedule in completing their task.”
“ we do not any help,” protests karai.
“ nevertheless karai i trust my family more than i trust you,” winters states, “ you may be the eyes and ears but they are the muscle they will help you capture the remaining twelve of these abominations so we can finally see our birthrights fulfilled.”
Winters gives a chuckles, “ it’s going to be quite a party.”
A domb cage lands on the monster, who roars, when it is captured.

“ was there something else you needed,” he asked when looking at karai.
“ my ninja had found a witness when your family arrived,” she raised her hand up.
One of the ninja came walking inside, carrying saya on their back, and winters gave her a frown.
“ she followed you?” he asked.
“ that seems to be the case,” karai nods to him, “ what are we to do with her.”
“ unfortunately miss karai,” winters sighed, “ she is also apart of my family.”
“ and how does she relate to your plan?” she asked.

“ she is my heart,” he said calmly, “ she tells me the truth that will either save or hurt me.”
Karai looks at him, watching as winters eyes had softened when looking at saya, but kept quiet when leaving the building.


“ awaken dear sister.”
Groaning i slowly opened my groggy eyes, but winced from the unwanted light, as i heard a soft chuckle.
“ you never were a morning person.”
My eyes widen when hearing that all too familiar voice, as i sat upright, looking at max winters.
“ how are you feeling?” he asked concerned.
“ like i got hit by a truck,” i groaned.
“ you have not changed.”

“ yaotl,” my eyes widen when looking at the stone generals.
“ i know,” winters sighed and i looked at him, “ keep her out of harm.”
“ of course.”
I never got enough time to ask him what was going on, as gato drags me along with them, as they stepped into a large truck. I sat between serpiente and gato, as aguila and mono sat on the other side, and i began to feel uncomfortable. My eyes looked from serpiente and gato, who gave me quiet looks, to mono and aguila as aguila shared the same look as gato and serpiente. When looking at mono on the other hand, he gave me a small, kind looking expression.

Though all four had glowing red eyes, their facial features had seemed to give me these special, knowing emotions when they looked at me. The trucks slowly stops, my head suddenly pounding, as i groaned in pain.
“ come along saya,” serpiente had a hushed voice which lulled me to stand and follow her.
The sharp, shrill roar of a monster reaches my ears, when we walked into an alleyway. The foot ninja had been struggling to hold down a bat like monster, as it roared flailing its wings, and i am suddenly pushed back behind aguila. Mono had used a dumpster, slamming it onto the monster, and i winced while he did so. As the truck took the monster, there was a crumbling sound, as we looked at the destroyed car.

“ witnesses!” growls gato as he points above.
I tried to look above where gato had been pointing, but the ninja had began shooting, as gato growls scaling up the wall of the building. As i was finally able to look above, there was a cloud of smoke on the roof, my eyes widening when seeing casey before he ran off.
“ casey?”
My head began pounding again, like my brain was hitting the inside of my skull, attempting to pop out of my head. The hovering sound of propellers reach my ears, as a helicopter flew overhead, my vision beginning to blur into darkness.


“ are we certain that this is the portal?” the voice serpiente echoes.
“ it could be a hoax yaotl,” said gato.
“ this portal can be our only answer,” said yaotl.
His armored body turns, looking at me, his hazel brown eyes looking expectantly.
“ you must promise me something saya.”
“ what?” i asked.
“ never change who you are,” he gave me a stern look, “ only change when you have a reason to.”

“ i promise.”

My eyes slowly peel open, groaning in pain from the migraine, which had began ringing in my ears. My surroundings had changes, as i had been laid on a couch, a fire having been lit in a pit.
“ have you awakened sister?”
My eyes looked over at an armchair, where max winters had been sitting, as his eyes were focused on the fire. Slowly sitting up from the couch i had been laid on, my eyes never leave winters, as there was an unbearable silence.
“ you have questions,” he said matter of factly, “ what is it?!”
His head slowly moves as held his glass in his hands, and i turned, looking over at aguila.

“ two creatures remain my lord,” said aguila.
“ well by all means than let’s finish it and you will finally be free of your stone prison.”
“ but if the curse is broken,” said aguila, “ then we will no longer be immortal.”
“ brother,” winters gave a stern tone in his voice, “ do not question my command.”
Aguila gave a sharp grunt of a growl, his glowing red eyes squinting, when he left the room.
“ he was never one for obeying,” sighed winters.
“ probably because you ordered him around like a soldier,” i looked at winters, ‘ reminds me of fours brothers that i know.’

“ you were the very reason i was able to attain the thirteen monsters,” said winters.
“ and now you want me to help you bring them home.”
Winters nods his head with a sad smile.
After the conversation with aguila, winters or yaotl as i had now known him, lead me into a small room. It was an armory from what i could tell, when looking at the walls, as his golden armor had been held up. He walks over to a sword wrack, as he grabbed for the sword in the middle, when turning to me as he presented it. The sword had been a medieval daisho, a specially made katana, that had been forged in the late sixties to seventies three thousand years ago.

“ you will need this once again sister,” he smiled.
I nodded to him in thanks, grasping the daisho in my hands, as i looked at him.
“ my lord,” we turned to look at aguila, “ we have found all thirteen monsters.”
“ excellent,” i looked at yaotl, “ prepare the cages.”
And like that he left, but as aguila left, i had this strange cold feeling at the pit of my stomach.

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