chapter four

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The clouds had turned a cool, teal green color, the wind blowing. Karai and her foot soldiers had scattered, prepared to protect the property, but little had she known the turtles had infiltrated. Inside saya stood beside yaotl, who wore his armor, as she held her sword strapped to her side. A bright red light spirals down from the green clouds, colliding with the portal, as it slowly activates.
“ at last after three thousand years! The time is finally at hand!” shouts yaotl.
The cages which held the monsters, had suddenly stopped spinning, as something had changed.
“ what,” he turns to his generals, “ what have you done?!”

“ your time for giving orders is over,” said aguila.
“ you don’t understand,” said yaotl, “ i want to return these creatures where they came from to undo the damage that was done years ago.”
“ time has done nothing but make you two weak,” aguila growls when looking at yaotl and saya, “ we have our own plans.”
“ immortality is a curse brother,” said yaotl, “ trust me i’ve lived long enough to know.”
“ we have to find the thirteenth monster,” said saya as she looked at aguila, “ it’s time to end this.”
“ no,” said aguila as he smirked at saya, “ our time is just beginning.”

Aguila slowly grabbed yaotl, as he was still smirking, throwing his down to the floor.
“ yaotl!” saya cries.
She was then suddenly grabbed by her shirt collar, as she was forced to look at serpiente, who gave her a grin.
“ farewell little sister.”
And with her own strength, serpiente held saya up, as she too was thrown.


“ saya?!”
The air that i had held in was pushed out of me, popping my eyes open, gasping out in pain. I had been laid against something, or rather someone, when i woke up. April, casey, master splinter and the guys had surrounded me, but my main focus was on who was holding me.
“ saya?”
My heart was pounding, when hearing that all too familiar, warm voice that i had missed for two years. Turning around as i sat up, my eyes meet with warm, chocolate brown.

“ leo?!” i was whimpering as i held back tears.
“ hey,” he chuckles and immediately i hugged him.
When i let go of leo, my attention had been on yaotl, who walked over to us.
“ yaotl,” i sighed in relief.
We stood to our feet, when hearing the crunching, crackling thumps of the generals.
“ how touching,” said serpiente as she looked at me, “ it is sad that these creatures do not know what you truly are.”
“ join us foot clan,” said aguila, “ swear your allegiance and no harm will come to you.”

“ the foot clan is not without honor,” said karai, “ we work for winters not you.”
And with that, karai, april and casey followed the foot ninja, as they went to get the thirteenth monster.
“ i hate to see brothers fight like this,” said donnie.
“ unless it’s together,” said raph as he had grinned when running in front of yaotl, “ hate to rain on your parade but we thought we’d even the odds.”
“ we’re going to enjoy this,” said aguila.
The general's attacked one turtle, who blocked their attack, as i stood beside yaotl and splinter. The screeches of monsters fill my ears, when turning to look at the portal, as monsters flew out.

The adrenaline pumped within my blood, when blocking the flying monster, which tried escaping from the portal. My heart had been racing, suddenly hearing a pained cry, as i turned to see serpiente making her way towards me.
“ now it is your turn sister,” she smiled.
I had noticed that one by one, each general had stopped fighting the turtles, as they walked near me.
“ saya!”


Leo’s eyes grew wide when the generals had walked over to saya, their weapons out, as they advanced towards the black haired girl.
“ saya!” he shouts.
She had been cornered when they surrounded her, her hand on her daisho, when looking at the generals.
“ farewell saya,” said aguila as he raised his halbert.
“ no!” cries leo.

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