chapter five

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They surrounded me like wild dogs, corralling over a single piece of meat, as they readied their weapons. My hand grasps the hilt of my daisho, gato having been the first to strike at me, which i quickly dodged. My katana is swiftly taken out of its sheath, as i blocked serpiente, mono gaining access to hit my side. The impact of being hit at my side, forces me onto the ground, as i groaned in pain.
“ saya!” my eyes looked over at leo and his brothers.
Leo’s eyes had shown concern when looking at me, and i smiled at him, as i stood to my feet facing aguila and the other generals. My sword held tightly in my grasp, i glared at aguila, who smirked at me.

“ your time in this world has made you weak sister,” he laughs.
“ you’re wrong,” i closed my eyes, “ the people that i have befriended have made me strong.”
Opening my eyes again, i blocked aguila from hitting me, kicking him away while blocking gato next.
“ i don’t crave power like you!” i shout dodging gato’s blades, “ these creatures have made me more human!”
“ you were never human!” shouts serpiente, “ you betrayed your own kind when joining us!”
The blade of her sword cuts my cheek, when i don’t have time to move quick, as she grins triumphantly.
“ it is time we finish this,” said aguila.

“ you’re right!”
The turtles had suddenly appeared beside me, as they attacked the generals, who looked surprised. When the generals had all been near the portal, i looked at the turtles, who had knowing smiles as they kicked the generals into the portal. When they had been kicked into the portal, a powerful wind gusts past us, forcing us all to the ground before standing up.
“ so did we win?” asked mikey as he slowly looks at the portal.
“ foolish creatures we are immortals made of stone!” laughed aguila, “ without the final monster to break our curse we will never be stopped!”
“ never say never,” i grinned when hearing a loud honk as we turned.

“ special delivery!” calls casey.
The turtle party wagon barges into the building, the thirteenth monster behind them, as it slides onto the floor towards us.
“ guys!” i shout.
“ look out!” shouts yaotl.
Yaotl and myself push the turtles to the ground, as the monster collides with the generals, as they swirl into the portal. Their screams echo within the portal, as it spins, raising into the air. The red bolt, which had created the portal, disappeared into the green clouds.

“ so do we win now?” asked mikey.
“ yeah i think we did,” said donnie.
I smiled when the brothers began cheering, my attention turning, as i looked over at yaotl. His eyes had a sad gleam to them, when he was looking at the gate, before he sat down near the rubble.
“ winters?” asked raph when yaotl began laughing.
“ i’m never usually that happy to be in pain,” said mikey confused.
“ he’s happy because he’s mortal again mikey,” said donnie.

“ april,” yaotl stood up as he looked at us, “ i’ve had my eye on you for a long time.”
“ i knew it!” shouts casey and april elbows him.
“ i always knew that you’d be able to help me find my way home,” he turned to the turtles, “ and thank you brothers… you have made a very old man very very happy.”
He then looks at me, making me jump as he walks up to me, pulling me close as he kisses my forehead.
“ you have kept your promise,” he chuckles.
“  i did,” i smiled looking over at leo and the others, “ and gained something even better.”
“ take care of them sister,” i looked at yaotl, “ you have a bright future with them.”

He hugs me in a tight embrace, kissing me on my forehead again, as he let me go.
“ so um,” we looked at mikey, “ what happens now?”
“ it’s time to say goodbye,” i looked at yaotl.
He had turned when the sun began to rise, closing his eyes, before they opened again. His body began floating into the air, slowly vanishing, turning into golden dust as he was free.
“ okay just a little bit creepy,” said mikey before he began sneezing, “ oh gross i think he’s in my no- my no- achoo!”
I looked over at mikey when he sneezed, as everyone smiled, after he had sneezed.

“ ah gross can someone give me a hanky,” he started to gag, “ ah now he’s in my mouth.”


Two months had gone by after we fought the stone generals, saving new york city, and freeing yaotl. I had been in my apartment, stuck in my bathroom, looking down at a small stick in my hand. My hand had been over my mouth, as i stared shocked, at the pink plus on the stick.
“ saya?!” i jumped when hearing leo’s voice.
“ in the bathroom!”
“ are you okay?”
I looked at him when he walks into the bathroom, his eyes showing concern, as he walks over to me.

“ what’s wrong?” he asked.
“ take a look,” i shakily showed him the test.
“ wait?” his eyes widen when he looks at me, “ does that mean?”
“ i’m six weeks pregnant babe,” i nervously laugh, “ surprise daddy.”
Before i knew it, leo had grabbed me around the waist, as he began twirling me around excited.
“ i’m going to be a father!” he shouts as he hugs me.
“ this is it,” i smiled when he placed his hand on my stomach, “ our journey has only begun.”

The end

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