Chapter I

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I opened my eyes and scanned the room, I found myself in, it was difficult since I had a blurry vision, maybe because the tears I fought really hard to not shed the night before had built up in my eyes and was blocking my vision, the thought of the night before sent a tingling sensation to my spine and I hastily sat upright on the floor I was laying on, "ouch" I murmured and stretched a bit, but to God that was only making the pain worst, my back and head ached like 500 well built muscular men, had each used a base ball stick to hit me simultaneously. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands to give myself a better view of my surroundings, and I realized I was in the store room of my house.... My step mother's house. I quickly got up despite my intense head ache and back ache, I wiped dust and trickles of blood away from my once blue sunflower decorated dress that's now in rips, and wiped my face of tears that were threatening to stream down my face while looking into the broken mirror siting on the left side of the room, and immediately the images of the night before began flushing into my mind like an overflowing river bank.
      "you whore!!! Where do you think you're returning from?" my step mother Alice had screamed at me with rage glaring intensely in her eyes as she stared daggers at me in front of the entrance door, I shivered standing outside the door partially because I was cold from standing under the heavy rain for close to 5 minutes while being interrogated, and because I was scared of what she was about to do to me next. the second I opened my mouth to speak, I received two thunderous back hand slaps and was pulled into the house with great force, the shock over did the pain of the slaps, so I put myself together and started "ma I was-" before I could complete my sentence she had pushed me with great force to the floor pining be down so I couldn't move, while she hit me intensely, she hit me like I was a punching bag kept in gyms, I could swear even those in the gyms didn't receive the amount of punches I had gotten in this few minutes in a day. In between the hits I managed to turn my head and had gotten a glimpse of Georgia, she was my half sister.. And nope contrary to what you were thinking she's not the closest bit to her mother, she was looking at me intensely and pitifully like she was screaming in her mind for me to fight back, she was leaning against the door to the dining area not uttering a word or trying to help, I could understand, she wouldn't dare interfere, her mom would literally kill her if she did, after watching her mom hit me a few more times she stomped upstairs and went into her room  banging the door leaving me to my fate that evening.
   I struggled to release my self, oh I struggled!!! At this point I was bleeding from the cut to my lips and after a few more struggles I got off my step mom and raced upstairs leaping, I raced to the store room and tried banging the door in her face but she was stronger, I sometimes wondered where she got her strength from, entering into the store room she grabbed my dress, trying to pull me back out but I resisted I guess this angered her and as  she spotted the mirror hanging on the right side of the room, she raced to it and

Phewww she flinged it my way.

And I guess it knocked me out cold cause that was all I remembered from last night till this morning.

After regaining composure in the store room I walked down the hall, carefully being alert so I don't run into Alice until I got to my room, the hall was very quite if I hadn't known better I would have guessed no one was home, and I praise the gods I got to my room without running into Alice. I turned the door knobs and lo! It refused to open, and then it hit me! Alice had locked me out of my room and had subjected me to laying in the store room for as long as God knows! I was furious and so I stormed downstairs and out of the door that lead outside, knowing very well that when I returned life would only get worse! But at this point I didn't care! I couldn't care, I knew exactly where I was headed and that was Kelsey's house! It was only 2 buildings away. I managed to leap to his house ignoring the pitiful looks and stares I got on the street.

"Ding dong"  I heard the bell go as I pressed against it.

"who's it" kelsey yelled from the inside.

"Val"  I managed to yell back.

Kelsey Got to the door and without hesitation he flung it open, I could tell from the look on his face that he was angry, mad, furious, give it what ever synonym you want but kelsey was really mad!!!.

"Goodness gracious what in heavens name? What the actual f*ck happened to you?" he inquired with rage all over his face.

I sighed.

Hey Guys thanks for reading this far, I know this chapter was a little lengthy and stuff, I promise to shorten my next chapters and go straight to the point haha thanks for reading.

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