Chapter III

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Immediately I stormed outta Valerie's presence I headed for the kitchen to make her something to eat, she looked like she was about to pass out-haha, i had no idea what to make, I thought for a while, before deciding to prepare her favorites!! Bacon and Mashed potatoes! I was busy in the kitchen while she showered. After a while she came into the kitchen wearing my over sized hoodie with her hair up in a bun, she looked extremely beautiful, I doubt she knew how pretty she looked, she gazed at the table of food for a while before I crept behind  tickling her sides and beckoning her to sit and eat.

"stop it you spatz, you know I hate that"

"sorry muffin! I just enjoy teasing you"

"and I'm going to enjoy cutting your balls off if you don't quit it"  Valarie announced while staring at me and smiling sweetly. I nodded my head in defeat as she pulled her chair outwards and slumped into it, for the rest of brunch we talked, giggled and laughed, at the  most random things.

"Alright kel, I have to get going now, before I step on Alice's toes more than I already have"

"Valarie I still insist you report that hag to the police before-"

"Kelsey, that's enough we've been through this, I gotta go to work, I'll text you later, OK spartz?"  she said while getting up and jokingly bumping into my shoulders, before exiting the kitchen.

"hey, you didn't clear your dishes!"  I yelled at her, but she didn't hear me, or maybe she did but ignored. In a matter of minutes I was done clearing the kitchen counter and doing all the dishes, and proceeded to sitting in the living area, when Val rushed downstairs, she had dressed up in my old ripped jeans and oversized polo, and was hastily making her way for the door.

"see you at school kel".  She said before leaving and shutting the door behind her.



After I left kelsey's house I headed straight for work, I worked as a waitress at a local diner called Burgers I was already 30 minutes late and I've been coming to work late for quite some time now, and I'm sure my Manger Mr holland, wouldn't be having any of it this time around, he had initially threatened to fire me If i should come into work late this week, I have managed to survive 5 days, consistently making sure I arrived early for my shift, but today.. Today I think is going to be the day he loses his shit, but he couldn't possibly fire me I'm one of his best employees and common the customers love me.. Right? Except the times I mix up their orders, or spill their drinks, or zone out while taking their orders, but hey.. In my defense it's literally not my fault, with all I put up with Alice at home, you couldn't possibly put a finger at me. My thought had distracted me and I didn't notice I had been strolling instead of literally running to work, so immediately I increased my pace and got to work in a matter of 15 minutes. Flinging the door open I hear a familiar voice.

"well, if it isn't miss late Comer"
I turned and glared at simon, he was my co-worker I wouldn't call us friends, maybe frenemies? Well, what I mean is, he is a right amount of nice and not-nice if you get what I mean, he covers up for me most of the times at work and is there to listen to my worries and gives me advices sometimes, but he is equally a freaking jerk! And the fact that he's related to Annabelle just tops things off!

"shut the fuck up Simon"

"wow she came in with an attitude, let's see how Holland likes this attitude"

I rolled my eyes at Simon and headed for Mr hollands office, thinking within myself of suitable excuses to lay before the judgement throne that could get me off the hook this time, when suddenly I heard the door fling open and Holland walking right in, ignoring my presence, and that was when I realized I got to work before him today. What a relief!

"ha! I got here before him, you jerk!"  I spat at Simon, before heading to the changing room to change into my work clothes.

The day went rather smoothly at work and I was ready to end it, my shift ends at 9:00pm. and by 9:38 I was approaching a place I once called home and loved returning to, but now dreaded and wished I had some other place to return to other than the building I was standing right in front of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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