Baseball game - R.T one shot

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A Richie Tozier one shot

You and Richie were lined up for the baseball game. The line was huge and longer than you've ever seen a line go. Richie had been wanting to take you to a game for a while now and he was really excited.

"I'm so excited to watch the game y/n!" He was acting like a little kid.

You guys paid and got into the stadium and found your seats. Richie went to buy food so you waited because you were too lazy to go with him. (What a mood)

After ten minutes Richie showed back up with a large popcorn and two sodas.

"Here you go babe." He said and handed you your drink. You took the popcorn out of his hand.

"Hey I wanted some of that you know." He said.

"Too bad Rich." You laughed. He just rolled his eyes.

The game had starred and Richie was totally into it. Screaming and shouting when your team got out or when the opposing team that you were meant to hate got a home run.

Soon enough you joined in with Richie and were cheering as-well. "YESS LETS GOOOO!!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

"Woah that was loud y/n." Richie told you.

you blushed and said, "I do my best babe."

He just laughed at you and started cheering again. He was waving his hands so much that he accidentally knocked the bag of popcorn out of your hands and onto the people below you.

"Oh holy fuck!" He yelled.

The guy below you looked up, "Dude what the fuck, watch out!!" He yelled at Richie.

"Sorry sorry, I'm sorry." Richie said. You couldn't help but laugh at his mistake.

"Shut up y/n." Richie told you but he was giggling as-well. Soon enough you two burst into a huge fit of laughter and missed your team get two home runs.

Later, after a couple innings the kiss cam on the big screen came on. First it pointed to an old couple and people cheered as they have each other a small kiss. You and Richie were both cheering for them too. Then it pointed to a middle age couple and they kissed and cheered for themselves.

Next, the camera was faced on two people who looked very familiar to you. You suddenly realized that it was you and Richie.

Richie realized before you did because just as the realization was setting in Richie had turned to you and kissed you. Then he, of course, starred cheering for himself and you couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" He asked you.

"Richie, you sure are something." You told him.

"That's right, I am." He proudly said.

The game went on for a while longer and your team ended up winning. When the game was over you and Richie cheered as loud as you could for the winning team.

"Y/n! I'm so happy I brought you here. Today was super fun." He told you after you finished cheering.

"Yeah, I'm glad I came." You smiled at him and he kissed you again. But this time it wasn't on the kiss cam. ;)

A/n - this sucks so bad wow I never knew something could lack so much creativity

Word count - 550

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