Trip X to X the X Real X Exam

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I accidentally published a chapter that wasn't revised and fully completed I was foolish, but I hope you enjoy. This the full chapter. Gomen, gomensai. ~Daya

We arrived at Dolle Harbor. All of us got off.
"Ahh terra fierma." I walked bare footed. I let my feet sabor the feeling of getting back on ground.
Leorio and Kurapika had started walking whole I waiting for Gon. He was thanking the Captain.
"Wait for us" he called out for both of us.
"Oi Gon, what did the Captain say to you?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I tell you once we catch up." he smiled, "last one there, has to buy dinner."
I felt my temperature rise, totally not blushing pshhh. yeah no.
"tch, on your marks" I announced
"get set!" the raven hair yelled
"gooo!" I hollered.
Once I caught up with Leorio and Kurapika, Gon wasn't in sight.
"I win!!" I smiled. "Yatta!!"
"y/n I came .0001 seconds before you." he said as I turned around.
"baka! Kurapika who won?!" I asked him
"Gon did" he simply said.
"So you bribed him!!" I yelled. "Name your price I pay double!!"
I saw kurapika sweatdrop.
"You never lost before?" Gon asked.
"No. I never competed with anyone in a game of such sort..but there was this one time 'Whoever killed the most people wins!' Obviously I won that one." I said.
"Gon! y/n!" Leorio caught our attention. "We'll be heading to Zaban!"
"The captain said that the lone pine tree is the best place to go for the exam hall" Gon said.
"That's in the opposite direction, our best shot is waiting for the bus to give us a lift to Zaban."
"I trust Gon's judgement" I said. After all he detected the storm before I did. He has sharper instincts than me.
"We are going to check it out." he said as we parted ways from the rest.
"Gon, what do you think we have to do next?" I asked.
" I dunno, maybe fight a colossal titan." he joked.
I shoved him softly and laughed with him.
"There is no way, we probably have to fight a jinchuuriki of some sort." I chuckled.
We suddenly looked at each other and eye contact was established.
"Wait up!" Leorio said loud enough for us to turn around to see Kurapika behind us. I wonder how much Blondie saw.
I grew embarrassed.
"What's up with the change of heart." I asked them.
"I was curious about Gon's doing." Blondie answered.
"You don't know what lurks out there and such young kids shouldn't be left unsupervised." Leorio said with a big fake smile.
He probably found out about the Zaban scam. We all sweatdropped.
Eventually we came through a city, it was empty from the outside but from the inside there is a plethora amount of people.
A group of people, wearing masks,came out from the shadows and formed a barricade to prevent us from advancing.
The a old short lady, whom dressed like a gypsy popped out.
"The excitement..." she held out her staff and hit the ground with it, "TIME FOR THE MIND BOGGLING "TWO-CHOICE" QUIZ!!"
The masked people applauded.
"You four heading for the tree?" she asked.
"Uhh..hai!" I answered.
"You'll have to go through this town to get there." she said.
"So going around isn't an option?" Kurapika asked.
"The other trails are like a maze winding through the realms of ferocious magical beasts." Granny answered.
"Shall we begin?" She lifted he index finger. "I will pose a single question and give you but five seconds to answer."
Please don't be on language my worse subject.
"An answer incorrectly and you fail. No hunter license for any of you this year." she continued.
Please not language. I had my toes and fingers crossed.
"You must answer A1 or 2B" she said, "Say anything else, however clever, and you'll be wrong."
Two choice answers!?! Please not language! How can Kurapika and Gon act so calm!
"Hold the phone! We get one question between the 4 of us?" Leorio asked. "So I'll fail if Kurpika botches it?!"
"You are most likely the one to answer incorrectly." Blondie said.
Well damn Leorio is going to start the ranting again.
"No, it means we can work together to answer the question." Gon stated.
"That's a nice way to put it." I agreed.
"Mind if I play?" a guy came out from the shadows. He had black hair and a wide nose.
"So he finally decided to show your face. You've been tailing us since we left the port." I pointed at him relieved he didn't want to fight.
"Hehe" He softly chuckled. "Sorry kid, I overheard you and your sailor friend."
"Your chat with the Captain.." I said softly. I turned to look at the raven haired boy, he was lost as ever.
"Well?" He said confidently.
He's acting cocky makes me want kill him right on the spot.
"He can go first." Leorio told the granny.
"Thanks later." He smirked.
I have a bad feeling in my gut.
"Here's the question--" She grasped her staff as she was to perform some vodoo ritual. Such imagination...really y/n.
"Rogues have taken your mother and your true love captive. You may only rescue one. 1. Your mother. 2. Your true love. Which do you save?" The granny had finished.
What kind of question is that!?!
"1!" the guy said.
"And your reason?" She asked.
"One may find another true love." he said confidently. "but a mother is irreplaceable."
Impossible. I doubt these stuff even comes again.
"You may go." she said. The masked people stepped aside to let him pass through.
"There is no 'right' answer to a question like that, and never has been." He argued. "You applicant screeners are full of crap. You know that? And I'm not taking it!!"
He started turning around and walked away. "I'll find another route to the exam hall."
"There is no other route...not for you. This is the way you must pass." The lady had said that and Leorio has stopped in his tracks.
"Leave and you can forget about your license!" Then it struck me.
"Wait you baka!" I said.
"Leorio!!" Blondie said the same time. He caught it too.
We were at the point in explaining but was cut off.
"Hold it. No more chit chat." the granny held her hand out.
I looked at Gon who remained silent. He probably found out.
"Anymore extraneous remarks, you all fail." The granny knew we were onto her.
"Answer now---" she looked at every one of us. "1. You'll take the quiz 2. You won't. "
"1!!" Blondie had spoke for all of us.
"Your son and daughter has been kidnapped, you can only get one back."
My eyes furrowed.
"Which will you get back?" She held up her index finger again. "1. Your daughter 2.Your son."
Leorio had attempted to hit the granny. Luckily, Blondie blocked his shot.
"Why'd you block me!" he yelled at him.
"Calm down!" Kurapika yelled back.
Leorio kept on ranting.
"We passed you baka!!" I yelled at him.
"Control your temper." Blondie said. "Don't you see the correct answer is no answer at all."
"What about the other punk." he asked
"It seems it was a hoax, I'm sure they'll lead us to the correct path." I said looking at the granny.
Leorio apologized for his actions and we were walking to the correct path.
"I can't figure out an answer!" Gon said.
"Gon... the exam is over. No need to." I said.
"But what if one day you have to make a choice like that?" he asked.
Now that I think of it, it's a lose lose situation, usually a reason I don't stick around with people to a point I get attached. Once I'm officially a Hunter I'll ditch these guys. No sweat.
We entered the path made for us and headed for the tree.
"It's gotten dark, there's no doubt Magical beasts might pop out." I said looking the full moon.
"I think I see something." Gon said.
We were approaching a house.
"Its quiet." Kurapika said.
Leorio knocked on the door to find a beast strangling a young woman.
The beast flew out.
"Leorio get to the man. We'll catch that beast." And the three of chased it.
Once we caught up with it we mentally formed a plan.
Gon distracted the beast and attacked him from the front while I attacked from behind. As planned, the beast had let go of the woman and Blondie scooped in for the save.
"Nice catch Blondie!" I complimented.
"Since when you started calling me that?" he asked.
"Just recently." I answered.
"hn. Are you alright?" he asked the woman who was the injured man's wife.
She nodded silently
"Blondie.." I eyed the marks on her arm. She was not his wife, so who is she? What is going on?
Suddenly Leorio ran up to us.
"Is she alright?" he asked.
This seemed sketchy. The beast must have tooken his form.
"Nice diguise." I said as Kurapika threw this wooden sword.
"How'd you know?" he turn into the beast he was.
"The fact 'Leorio' abandoned the man to saunter out here was a lucky mistake and I saw y/n's expression change. She's sharper than me and probably even Gon."
Gon! If the beast is here where is he?!?
"Now answer this who are you?" Blondie asked the woman. They suddenly told us that they were also exam screeners too and we seem to pass. I couldn't help but to worry about Gon. I ran back towards him but it was too dark.
"Y/N!!!" Blondie yelled. He chased after me.
"I need to know if Gon is okay!" I said.
"I'm sure he can handle himself." He said as he caught up to me.
"Not bad, you're persistent." I complimented.
"I train alot." He mentioned.
"So about the Phan--Ow!" I cried out in pain
When we were on the treetops a branch tangled up with my shoe.
"Are you hurt?" The Kurta boy showed a worried face.
I nodded and got up but simply fell only to get caught in the blonde's arms.
"itte!" I winced. "I think I dislocated my ankle."
"Lets head back and let Leorio take a look.
"How?" I asked.
"On my back."
As I was on his back I laid my head on his right shoulder.
"I'm not bothering you?" I asked getting embarrassed.
"Of course not" he said. "You are so light. Do you eat?"
"Baka say that one more time and you feel my wrath!" I said demonically
We arrived to the house with everyone present.
"Y/N? What happened?" Gon and Leorio asked.
I was embarrassed into saying I was worried about him.
"I forgot something and I had to rush back to get it and bam dislocated ankle."
Blondie simply scoffed.
tch. He knows the truth shall I kill him? Joking.
As Leorio was checking on my ankle, they told us about the whole situation.
Gon was able to tell apart two Beasts without breaking a sweat.
Kurapika and I found out what the markings meant on the women's arm, and Leorio was able to tend the man's wounds.
"You all passed, we'll take you straight to the Exam hall.
We were soon being carried through the night.
And there was a full moon.

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