Part 2

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The little bell over the door tinkled as Apollo stepped into the quaint little coffee shop. Calm music played throughout the café as his eyes swept over the room, looking for Hyacinthus. His eyes stopped at the counter where Pretty Boy was wiping down the already spotless counter top. He smiled to himself before sauntering over to him.

"Hi, how can-" Hyacinthus' voice got caught in his throat as he looked up at his customer. OH MY GODS He screamed internally. Apollo grinned at him. "Hi." The golden boy said, before turning to read the menu board. "Umm, can I get a medium hot chocolate?"

OMG PUT YOURSELF TOGETHER hissed the voice inside his head. Hyacinthus blinked rapidly before grabbing a cup. "Uh, yeah sure," He muttered. "Would you like sugar with that?"

"No, but I'd like your number with that." Apollo replied, not missing a beat. As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted them immediately. "Man, that sounded better in my head.." He confessed, laughing awkwardly. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked up to see Pretty Boy's face and felt relief wash over him when he saw a smile on his face instead of the disgust he'd been expecting. "Sure, why not?" He said shyly.


Hyacinthus jumped at the buzzing of his phone. Eagerly, he picked it up to see who it was but was disappointed to see it was just a useless notification from his email. He was about to put it down when the phone buzzed again. Twice at once. Butterflies erupted in his tummy as he read the text notification.

Unknown Number: Hyacinthus?
Unknown Number: it's Apollo ;)

He took a few deep breaths to compose himself, saving his name before he responded.

Pretty Boy: hi :))
Apollo ☀️: so I've come up with some more terrible coffee shop pickup lines...
Apollo ☀️: can I use them on you?
Pretty Boy: go for it

The typing bubble appeared, indicating that Apollo was typing out his message.

Apollo ☀️: is your name Earl Grey
Apollo ☀️: because youre a hot-tea
Apollo ☀️: ;)))

The smile on Hyacinthus' face couldn't have gotten any wider as he typed back a response, and it didn't come off for the rest of the night as they spent the time sending each other pickup lines that ranged from bad to worse. On the other side, Apollo was now assured that buying hot chocolate in the middle of a hot day just for the sake of a pickup line had been worth it.


Apollo rung the doorbell, feeling all kinds of nervous. "I'LL GET IT" He heard Hyacinthus' muffled yell. He broke into a smile as the door opened seconds later. "Hi" Pretty Boy said, a little out of breath. "Did you run down the stairs just to open the door?" Apollo asked, amused. "Shut up," Hyacinthus muttered in response, "Let's go."

After having casually been talking to each other back and forth for a week, Apollo had finally asked him out on a date. Of course, Hyacinthus said yes immediately. So there they were, on a picnic date in the park during a pleasantly sunny day. Apollo was lying down with his head on Pretty Boy's lap, throwing a tennis ball he'd found up in the air and then catching it as it came down.

"How'd you know I worked at the coffee shop?" Hyacinthus asked, making Apollo blush. It was usually the other way round so it pleased him to see the the tanned boy smile shyly. "I followed my heart's calling?" He responded, making the other one roll his eyes. "Try again, maybe."

"Eros dropped a hint." He confessed.
"Better," The dark haired boy responded, making Apollo grin at him. His hazel eyes appeared golden in the sun and his dirty blonde hair blew into his face with the wind. They didn't say anything for a while as Hyacinthus brushed back Apollo's hair, watching him play with the ball. Observing him at a closer distance than way before, he'd noticed how quirky the golden boy really was. He was awkward and yet confident at the same time, made the lamest pickup lines and hummed old songs when he zoned out. He wondered how he'd gotten so luck-

"Ow!" He exclaimed, having been interrupted from his train of thought by Apollo's ball hitting the back of his head. "Oh gods, I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" Apollo said hurriedly, sitting up and putting the ball away. "I'm fine. Just a little surprised, is all." Hyacinthus rubbed the spot where the ball had bumped his head a while back. "Are you sure" Apollo asked, "Here put this bottle of cold water near year head."

"I'm fine, dumbass. It was just a bump." He replied, rolling his eyes.
"Let me kiss you better anyway." Apollo smirked, leaning in to plant a kiss on his forehead.

Keeping his cool, Hyacinthus remarked something about how the bump was on the back of his head, not the front. Internally, he was buzzing with giddiness.


"One large cappuccino for a dumbass" Hyacinthus announced, setting down Apollo's drink before taking a seat in front of him. "Aren't you a sweet one?" Apollo grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"WAIT" Hyacinthus exclaimed, grabbing the other boy's wrist to stop him from taking a sip. The golden boy raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"
"Take off the lid." He said, a sly smike creeping on his lips.
"I swear if it's a dick again," Apollo muttered as he complied to his wish, careful not to spill any on the table.
"It's not."

And it wasn't. Carefully written with cream on the frothy top of the drink in capital letters was "BEAN MINE", with two small hearts below it. Apollo broke into a smile and looked up at Pretty Boy, who was now looking really nervous. His dark hair was swept to the side, franing his delicate face perfectly. A hint of red bloomed in his cheek on his otherwise pale face. Those electric blue eyes of his looked at Apollo expectantly, waiting for his reply.

The question had been up in the air for a few days now that they had started to spend more and more time with each other. At first, Apollo had worried that he was attracted to him only because he looked like a twink. But his doubt was quickly crushed when he'd started to see how quirky Hyacinthus' personality was. He was a dork and, under that shy exterior, also quite a fun and unpredictable person. Just last night they'd sneaked out to drive to the outskirts of town. He made Apollo feel a way he hadn't before, of course he knew he wanted to be with him. How'd he get so lucky?

"Apollo?" Hyacinthus' voice pulled him back to the present moment. "Why aren't you saying anything?"
"I'm trying to come up with a cheesy way to say yes." Apollo responded, causing the boy to break into a huge grin that seemed to light up the whole place.
"For a moment there, I thought you'd say no."
"Outrageous. Why would I ever say no to you, Pretty Boy?"

Maybe being loved was in Apollo's cards, after all.

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