Part 1

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Perseus glanced at both ends of the hallway before pulling Eris into the empty classroom. "You couldn't wait for lunch to start?" She asked, leaning against the door with a smirk playing at her lips. "Shut up" He replied before grabbing her by the waist and kissing her. He dragged her over to one of the desks. Immediately, they started making out in the physics lab, not caring about missed classes as only a pair of amorous high schoolers would be.

Perseus let out a low throaty groan and pushed Eris against the wall. The girl let out a gasp at the sudden move. He just needed that opening to move his tongue further into her mouth. The kiss became more intense. He thought about how he should be congratulated for having found the perfect new make out spot, ever since that cursed Medusa had taken over the last one.

Just as things were starting to get steamier between the two, a groan resounded from the door, immediately making them jump apart. "This is the fourth time I'm walking into the both of you making out in the past two weeks," Achilles glared at them. "Can you guys not deal with your horniness outside of school? Don't you have classes to attend?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Perseus rolled his eyes at his friend. Eris reached up to plant a kiss on his jaw before walking out of the room. At the same time, Achilles walked over to the other end of the room and grabbed a test tube holder with a few test tubes in it, then raised the object in the other boy's direction. "I was told to pick these up."

"Whatever," Perseus muttered, thoroughly irritated by the fact that people kept walking into these sessions at the worst of times.


Professor Homer droned on about literary devices, but Perseus didn't seem to register anything as he stared out the classroom window towards the shady cover of trees at the far edge of the field. Somewhere in that foliage were a bunch of CCTV cameras, all hooked to the main school security system. He narrowed his eyes. Medusa.
Thanks to some freshman couple, the only place where he could've enjoyed some private snogging sessions had been taken away from him.

The trees had originally been planted to cover up the long metal fencing that lined the school boundary; which, by itself, somehow stood out like a sore spot. Soon, the rows of trees proved to have more use than just providing aesthetics. They were far enough to escape the sharp eyes of teachers, and the cover was thick enough to block out sunlight and other people's vision. Due to the advantage of secrecy - if needed - the trees became a hotspot which was frequented by couples to get it on between classes. Understandably, it was our champion's favourite spot.
But of course, all good things must come to an end. On one of his spontaneous school rounds, Vice Principal Kronos decided to see for himself if the far end of the field really did pose a security threat, since the board members seemed to be mildly concerned about it. As he walked through the trees, he stumbled into Orpheus and Eurydice snogging. And thus, the school security system extended its reach; bringing with it the end of a glorious era for the couples.

Subsequently, the lining of trees was declared out of bounds. There was no reasonable excuse for anyone to be loitering at the far end of the field, especially between classes. If anyone was caught on the security cameras, they would find themselves in a lot of trouble. This gave the particular cluster of CCTV cameras in the trees the moniker 'Medusa' - if anyone found themselves in the line of Medusa's vision, they were as good as dead. Of course, this was all exaggerated, but it did well to keep students from sneaking off among the foliage.


"I'm gonna get rid of Medusa." Perseus announced, his voice reflecting his determination. Ares spit out the water he was chugging down. Perseus gave him a withering look at the latter sputtered, wiping his mouth. Caeneus simply raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're going to WHAT?" Ares blinked at the resolute boy. Achilles rolled his eyes.
"Is this because I walked in on you and Eris sucking face?" He asked
"No," Perseus snorted in response. "It's bigger than all of us."

Something about our brave hero's purposeful tone set his companions into fits of laughter.

"It's not funny." He huffed, chucking an empty Gatorade bottle at the lot, hitting Achilles on the chest. "I don't understand how you can't see that everything about that is funny." Caeneus chuckled, wiping a tear from his face. Perseus glared at him and crossed his arms, leaning back on his couch. "I didn't ask you all to come over to be ridiculed like this." He grumbled. "Hold up," Ares said, sobering up. "You actually want to go ahead with it?"
"That's crazy."
"It's for the greater good."
"It really isn't," Caeneus remarked, but in typical Perseus fashion, the latter ignored him.

There was no way this would end well.

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