Chapter 4-End Intro Arc

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I don't own Naruto…if I did, then I would be rich!

Later that same day…

"We did it! We did it! This causes for a celebration!"

Both Shino and Shikamaru didn't know what exactly what "celebrations" Naruto was talking about, but it couldn't be all bad could it?

"You little brats! Get back here!"

"What a drag…" No one spoke as the merchant ran pass them, as all three boys hid under another cart. Naruto giggled as the merchant ran towards them, but never noticing the rope in front of him. Shikamaru even cracked a smile as both Shino and he pulled the rope in opposite directions, making the man tripped in a mud hole.

All three genin laughed as the man moved around to no avail. "This is one hell of a "celebration", you guys are having."

Shino's eyes widened as both Shikamaru and Naruto were hoisted up into the air by a hidden rope. Shino didn't even make it three steps before he found his arms bond behind his back.

"Isn't a little rude to harm others like that?"

All boys looked up as Asuma approached them. Behind him, was a women in her mid-twenties to early thirties with shoulder length untamed black hair. Asuma could see that her piercing red eyes held amusement in them as Naruto and Shikamaru struggled to get them down.

This wasn't planned, believe it! Naruto thought as Asuma let both boys down.

"Now apologize!" Kurenai laughed as all three boys bowed their heads to the merchant as he wiped his face off with a handkerchief.

"We're sorry, believe it! It won't happen again, believe it!" At least not to you…

Later that afternoon….

"Can you believe those guys? With Naruto I expected him to do something like this, but Shino? Shikamaru? I'd never see it coming…" Asuma shook his head.

"You of all people should know that you shouldn't judge people by appearance Asuma."

"I know, but I'd expected all of them to behave a little more mature now that they're genin." Kurenai laughed bitterly.

"Did any of us behave more mature when we became genin?"

"I did."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire."

"I'm just saying…where my cigarettes go? Kurenai did you touch them again?"

Asuma growled as Kurenai pulled a sticky note off Asuma's back. Smoking isn't good for you. With love, your mature genin team.


Next Morning…

"Listen boys, I know we had quite a misunderstanding yesterday. I was trying to help you guys stay on the right path, but you all had to ruin it by taking my cigarettes. Which was dirty by the way. Still that was in the past, and today is a new day… so drop and give me fifty."

Shikamaru moaned as Asuma pressed down on his back with his foot. He grunted as more pain shot of his spine as he pressed harder with his other foot. Shino and Naruto wasn't fairing much better.

"After this, you ladies will run five laps around the training field."

"What about missions?" Shino asked.

Naruto began running around the training ground with Shikamaru as Shino did a few more push-ups for good measure as he joined the others. Team 8 was a new team with no experience with the outside what so ever, so it was understandable that Asuma tough them up first for their first mission.

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