Chapter 4

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I can see Christina looking at something, but I don't know what. I'm to busy thinking about max and why I hate this woman. Maybe it's her name Amara-eternity buetiful. What the heck does that mean she's going to always be buetiful. Ugh I don't get it!!!! Why would he run away.There is no reason why he would run away or commit scuiside. I hope we'll find out. I hate not noing.

As I keep thinking a women comes up to me I think its the boss but I'm not sure. She's talking to me but I'm not paying attention,and I suddenly snap or something I don't know why though."SHUT UP PEOPLE IM THINKING!!!"Everyone shuts up and I look around to see anything,but nothing comes to me." I am really sorry I have a lot a pressure on me right now, and it really isn't like me to yell." I say nicely. Sadly they just look at me weirdly. After about five minutes of that, they finally start talking again."Ok we'll my name is Jessie." The women said.

Jessie started talking to Amara in a secret way. Then Christina pulled me aside as I looked into her eyes I saw fear.I never saw her like this before. She talked to me like she saw something crazy. "Alice I saw someone." " Please tell me you dident see your..."I say thinking she "saw" her aunt or her mom or something like that."I saw....."she looked at me doubtly." I saw max." I look at her with a lot of diss belief. "I know you shouldn't trust me and I'm like a crazy person or something, but why would I lie. I have no reason to. You have to believe me." I started thinking of how that could be possible. " Did he give you anything that might help us to find him." I say trying to see if there's way she could be saying the truth. " We'll he said something, but when I tried to tell you guys he was gone, Ohhhhh Alice I'm scared I didn't know what to do he was gone, and no one would believe me, but I was hopeing you would believe me since we're friends, and I didn't know if to scream or play it cool, but I can't keep it cool anymore.....IM FREACKING OUT ALICE !!!!!!!!" Everyone looked at us like we are crazy. Which I'm starting to believe now. "Sorry she's scared she'll never find max." Christina still has a crazy look in her eyes. Like she can't take it anymore.After 3 seconds of that. Everyone went back to what they were doing.

When everyone stopped I looked back at Christina to see a pail black eyed freaked out girl looking like she wanted to kill someone so I was really gentle with her." Did you tell any one besides me." " No I told you I didn't want to do everyone Would think I was crazy." She said frustrated. All I could think was they already thought you were crazy."I'll tell Jessie what you saw, and I bet she won't think your crazy." I say nicely and calmly. Hopeing she won't hurt me. She nods her head and I walk over to Jessie. "Hey Jessie ummm we'll my friend is a little shy and doesn't want to tell you her self. We'll see she thinks she saw max." I say Hopeing she won't laugh. She just looks at me. Stares at me more like. She's kind of freacking me out now."Hello??" I say. finally Amara steps in."Jessie..or boss?!" She yells and waves her hand around her face."Why Is she doing that?" I ask nicely."I have no idea." Amara says confused. "We'll I don't know how to make her stop doing what she's doing,but we should have Been investigating by now so let's get you guys inside." Amara says nicely. I'm starting to get used to her. As we start walking in. Christina stays we're she is. Its like she's seen someone die and then come back to life. "Christina come on we're going In side now." She looks at me and nodes and walks still looking around and making sure nothing is following her. We'll that's what it looked like but she's kind of frecking me out.

I know it wasn't the best chapter ever but I hope you guys liked It enough to vote!!!! love comments always will. Ty - ALIYAH (I've always wanted my name to be Alice just saying.)

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