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Mat pulled a flashlight out from Evee's bag and pressed a button on its end

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Mat pulled a flashlight out from Evee's bag and pressed a button on its end. With the bright light of the flashlight, we could see the carts were racing through the tracks of the tunnels. Some carts moved at a gradual pace, others flew by so quick they were gone before my eyes could adjust to the light.

"We need to get into one of the carts," Nate said, and looked above at the vent.

"They're moving so slow, we'll never be able to get far in any of these," Evee said.

"And the others are too fast, I can't run that fast," Mat's mother said.

"I have a plan," Mat said and walked to the closest track, "We get on a slower cart and find a way to switch to the faster lane. If we don't get one something now. We'll never make it to the lower city in time."

Nate nodded, and tucked his slate into his jacket, "Then let's go."

We all began to move forward, pushing our way around the crawling carts with the help of Mat's unsteady light.

As we continued to move, Mat placed his hand on a cart that was the least full. We first helped Evee's father lift his leg high enough to climb over the edge of the cart. Then we helped Mat's mother, with the rest of us following after.

It was a tight fit in the slow-moving cart. Our legs tangled together like thick ungiving vines. We each threw the vegetables out of the cart to make more room. As the cart continued to wheel forward, I held the edge to keep my body steady against the bumps of the tracks.

"So what is our plan?" Mat asked.

Evee's father grabbed Nate's flashlight.

"You see that switch at the end there," Evee's father said and flashed the light against a tall switch between our track and the track furthest to the wall, "If we can move that, we can get onto the express track and make it into the lower city on time."

"What can we do to move it?" I asked as I squinted my eyes up the dark tunnel.

"Evee and Macie," Nate said, "Do you have any more rope in your bags?"

"We sure do," Macie said and unraveled a piece of rope from their bag.

"Okay," Nate said and turned his head back to us, "Who here has the best aim?"

Everyone looked towards Mat.

"You got it," Mat nodded and took hold of the rope.

"When I say to, we will all need to pull on the rope, understand?" Nate said as he handed the loop part of the rope to Mat.

We all took hold of the rope, and without another word, Mat swung the rope above his head and aimed it for the lever.

It was a miss. I watched Mat, let out an angered sigh before he tried again. Another missed. This time he was much angrier. I held my breath.

"Just focus, Mat," I whispered.

Mat let in another sigh. This time more controlled. He wound up the rope above his head and flung it towards the lever. It was a hit!

We all clapped and waved our hands in excitement. Mat's mother embraced his side as Mat beamed with pride.

"Now! Let's get take care of the switch," Nate said.

We each grabbed a section of the rope and held it tight.

Nate and Mat held the front of the rope.

"When I give the call, give the rope a firm pull," Nate said, and paused before he shouted, "Okay, pull!"

I gripped the rope tighter and yanked it back with all the strength I had, and like a twig on a branch, the firm level fell with ease.

After the lever fell, a second track on the switched over to the express track, and the cart moved into the next lane and picked up speed. As it passed over, hit a deep bump in the road, causing the cart to shake and rattle at its sides. Behind, I heard her shriek.

"Help!" Evee said, staggering from outside the cart.

"Evee!," Macie shouted back, reaching out her arms.

I and everyone else on the cart did the same. Macie tried to pull Evee up, but Evee couldn't run fast enough to catch up.

"We're approaching the drop," Nate shouted to us from the front of the cart.

"What drop?" Evee's father said, his eyes glossed over with panic.

I looked past his shoulders and saw just what Nate was talking about.

Towards where the cart was racing forward, the earth gave way, and the tracks led into a blacked pit. If we didn't get Evee back into this cart, we would never get her back again. A skin-prickling feeling of dread washed over me. It was a familiar dread. One I never wanted to experience again.

"Someone, hold onto my ankles," I said and crawled to the back of the cart.

The others gazed at me with puzzled looks.

"I'm going to get her back," I said and leaned myself over the speeding cart.

The others scrambled to support me. Valencia and Macie held onto my thighs. Evee's father and Mat's mother held me at my calves and ankles, while Nate held the grappling hook outside the cart to slow it down like it was an anchor.

Evee was red in the face and fighting to keep running towards the cart.

The others picked me up and titled me out the cart towards her. I stretch my arms and body so far I felt each muscle tear with each inch I gained. Evee eyes were red and filled with tears.

"Evee!" I said, "Jump!"

Evee looked confused at first, then with a quick jolt, she jumped into my arms.

I locked my arms into Evee's. With her added weight, my torso dropped, and her body was dragged to the floor. I felt the other's grip their fingers further into my flesh as they struggled to pull both our weight back up.

"Don't let go!" I said.

Evee nodded, the hot tears on her face streaming down her full cheeks.

"I can't slow it down anymore!" Nate shouted from above, "It's coming! Valen, quick!"

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