Chapter 4 "Professionals"

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Over the next couple of days, the Intelligence Unit has been after the left and right-hand men for the head of the Brazilian drug cartel.
They get a lead on one of the men and head out to apprehend him.


According to the intel, the guy is staying at Hotel Chicago and his car is parked in the west tower of the Marina City.
The Intelligence team gets in place waiting for the guy to come to his car.
Shaylynn and Halstead are in the East tower and in position.
Getting off the elevator, they see the guy walking toward his car accompanied by a woman.
Halstead follows their every move.

Antonio and Burgess start walking to intercept

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Antonio and Burgess start walking to intercept.
As they get closer Hank confirms through Antonio's hidden camera that it's the right guy.
"Miguel!" Antonio says.
The woman's eyes get huge, "They're cops!" she tells Miguel as she lunges forward grabbing Burgess.
The woman turns Burgess around grabs a handful of hair and puts a knife to her neck as Miguel draws his gun on Antonio.
"How do you know their cops?" Miguel asks the woman.
"I remember seeing this one on trial," the woman tells Miguel about Burgess.
Miguel looks at Antonio, "Get back so we can leave!"
"Not going to happen!" Antonio tells him.
"If you don't back up and let us go, she'll kill your partner!" Miguel tells Antonio.
"When you have the shot, take it!" Hank radios to Halstead.

"When you have the shot, take it!" Hank radios to Halstead

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"Let us go!" Miguel yells at Antonio.
"Not going to happen!" Antonio says again when a shot rings out hitting the guy in the right shoulder making him drop his gun.
Antonio kicks it away from Miguel putting his gun to Miguel's head, "Drop the knife!" he tells the woman.
"As you said, not going to happen!" the woman tells him.
Another shot rings out.
A hole appears in the middle of the woman's forehead. The woman drops the knife and falls backward.
Burgess lunges forward to get away from the woman. When she turns around she sees that the woman is dead.
"Both of you over here now!" Hank radios to Halstead and Shaylynn.
Five minutes later, Halstead shows up in the West tower followed a minute later by Shaylynn. Both of them carrying their cases.
"What the fuck was that?" Halstead asks Shaylynn pointing at the woman laying on the ground.
"I shoot to kill!" Shaylynn tells him, "You hesitated! She was going to slit Burgess' throat. LOOK!" Shaylynn says pointing to Burgess' neck, "There's a little blood there!"
Everyone looks at Burgess' neck and sees a small slit with a little blood.
Halstead walks up to Shaylynn and gets in her face, "You fucked up!"
Shaylynn forcefully pushes him back, "Fuck you, Jay! I didn't fuck up! You fucked up and should apologize to Burgess for hesitating! Thank God you're not the only sniper!"
"Alright you two, shut up!" Hank tells them, "I want full reports on my desk before you even think about leaving for the day!"
Shaylynn and Halstead look at each other pissed off as they walk away to their cars.
"And you thought they were in a relationship," Atwater says to Ruzek.
Ruzek shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, guess I was wrong about that one!" he tells Atwater.

Later that day it's time to go home.
Halstead walks up to Hank's door. He gets ready to knock and notices Shaylynn's inside but knocks anyways.
Turning around Shaylynn sees Halstead standing outside the door.
She turns and looks at Hank, "You have my report! I'm leaving!"
Turning around she walks out giving Halstead a dirty look.
"Come in, Jay!" Hank tells him.
Halstead walks in and hands Hank his report.
Hank starts shaking his head, "What's wrong?" Halstead asks him.
"I thought for sure you had a thing for Shaylynn. Clearly, I was mistaken!" Hank tells him, "Especially after today! Do you think you can work alongside her? Because if you can't, I'll have to tell her it's not going to work out!"
"No, everything's fine! We're both professionals! We can work something out," Halstead tells him.
"Alright! I'll leave it up to you two to figure everything out!" Hank says, "You can go head home."
Halstead nods and walks out of Hank's office walking toward the locker room.
When he walks into the locker room, he passes by Ruzek on his way to his locker. Halstead opens his locker and starts getting his stuff out when Ruzek walks back to him.
Out of the corner of his eye, Halstead can see Ruzek staring at him, "What?" Halstead asks.
"What's going on between you and Shaylynn?" Ruzek asks him.
"What do you mean?" Halstead questions.
"I thought for sure you two were getting along and were friendly with each other if you know what I mean!" Ruzek says.
"Well, you thought wrong!" Halstead tells him as he slams his locker door shut.
Halstead walks around Ruzek, "See you in a couple of days unless something comes up!"
"Yeah! See ya, man!" Ruzek says as Halstead walks out of the locker room.


On the North side of Chicago, Halstead pulls into a parking lot then drives around a huge building that used to be a factory.
He sees there's a car already parked behind the building.
Parking he gets out and walks over to the car.
He opens the driver's side door and crawls into the backseat.
"I thought you weren't coming?" Shaylynn says as she helps him take off his shirt.
"I got held up by Adam!" Halstead tells her, "Are we sure this is a good idea?" he asks her.
"What was Adam doing to hold you up?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Asking about us and our relationship," he tells her.
"See, if everyone thinks we're a couple that's all they'll do is ask about our relationship even though they mean well. If they think we can't stand each other, they'll leave us alone!" Shaylynn tells him.
"But we'll have to keep sneaking around," Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn smiles, "I think it will be fun to sneak around!"
Halstead smiles then starts kissing her, leaning her back onto the back seat. 


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