8) luke

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As Luke paced back and fourth throughout the parking lot of the hospital, he didn't understand how things have taken it's turn for the worst. Grandma rose was ill and in the ICU for chemical burns.

Luke punched the roof of his old beat up truck and swore up a storm if grandma rose didn't make it through this he would sue the hospital and fully make sure that they take full responsibility for what as happened.

Luke got into his truck, breaking down. He didnt understand how his grandmother had gotten chemical burns in a hospital that was supposed to be protecting her.

Luke's phone went off bringing him back to the real world, in a snap he answered, Shaking his head he hung up and sped out of the hospital parking lot until he got to his destination.

Once Luke got there, he knocked on the door and waited about 15 minutes before the person finally let him in. Luke took one good look at Cindy and swore. He couldn't believe it. She was a mess.

Cindy was black and blue with blood running everywhere. She had big gaping wounds and her arms were cut up. Luke couldn't bare to see Cindy like this.

Luke did the only thing he knew how to do, swooping her up and taking her to the bedroom, he gently set her on the bed and walked into the bathroom turning on the tub and pouring bubbles into the bath.

He gently picked Cindy up and she took off her shirt, Exposing her black and purple bruises. Luke set her down and turned around so she could finish getting undress.

Cindy Yelped and luke turned around to see her stomach was bright red. Luke knew Ben was abusive but never said anything to Cindy about it, Carefully Luke helped cindy into the tub and waited for her to be done.

Once Cindy washed off the blood and caked up make up off her, she got out with the help of Luke. Luke got her a pair of pajamas and Cindy put them on, again with the help of Luke he put her in bed. A few minutes later Cindy dosed off and fell asleep.

Luke quietly got up and grabbed a cup from the sink and filled it with water and set it on the dresser. He grabbed a few pain pills and set them on the dresser. Luke didn't know why he did it but some part of him still cared for Cindy.

Deep down inside Luke new he still had a part of him that wished Cindy was his. Strolling over to Cindy he walked back to her, kissing her on the forehead, shutting her door and leaving.

Once he got downstairs he locked the front door, walking to his truck only to see ben pulling in the driveway. Luke sat in his truck trying not to loose his cool. But unfortunately his legs moved Alot quicker.


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