Chapter 1 - Miles away

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Carla balanced her phone between her cheek and shoulder as she struggled to tie the apron around her waist. The clock on her laptop read 7:30 a.m., but the golden light streaming through the window made it feel earlier. Prato was just waking up, and the narrow streets outside her apartment were still quiet, but inside, Carla's head buzzed with the half-asleep remnants of her video call.

"Carla, are you even listening?" Rachel's voice crackled from the other side of the screen, her laughter carrying the warm familiarity of home.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening!" Carla replied, fumbling with the apron's knot. "Sorry, I'm trying not to be late for work."

Rachel grinned, her face filling the screen as she propped herself up on pillows. "You've got plenty of time. It's not like you're rushing into surgery."

"Easy for you to say, Miss Working from Home," Carla shot back playfully. She glanced at the clock again. The café wasn't far, but the last thing she wanted was to make a bad impression by showing up late. She'd only started the job a week ago, but it already felt like her anchor in this unfamiliar place.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "I know, I know. I'm spoiled. Besides, the real chaos is just around the corner." She rested a hand on her growing belly, a hint of a smile softening her expression. "Mark's already talking about how we'll need to double everything—cribs, bottles, diapers. He's in full dad mode."

Carla couldn't help but smile, even as a pang of guilt twisted in her chest. She should've been there. For everything. The wedding, the pregnancy news, and now the gender reveal party tomorrow. But instead, she was half a world away in Italy, chasing her own dreams, while life back home in Boston moved on without her.

"So," Rachel said, shifting slightly, "have you thought of a way to make it to the party tomorrow? We can FaceTime you in if you want, but it won't be the same without you."

Carla sighed, her hands stilling as she leaned against the edge of her bed. "I wish I could, Rach, but the time difference is brutal. Your party's in the evening, which means it'll be the middle of the night here, and I've got work the next morning." She paused, the weight of her words sinking in. "Besides, I'm pretty sure my boss wouldn't be thrilled if I was nodding off during the afternoon rush."

"I know, I know," Rachel said, her tone softening. "It's just not the same without you. We'll record everything, though, so you'll get the full experience. Well, minus the cupcakes."

"Oh, great. So I get to find out whether I'm getting nieces or nephews *and* I miss out on cake? Perfect," Carla teased, though the ache of missing yet another milestone tugged at her heart.

"Don't worry. I'll send you something sweet. Maybe I'll even mail you a cupcake. Although, knowing the postal service, it'll probably arrive when the twins are in college."

Carla laughed, but the sound felt hollow, as if it wasn't enough to fill the growing space between them. "I'm just sorry I'm missing it. I can't believe I'm not going to be there for such a big moment."

Rachel's face softened, her eyes understanding. "It's okay, Car. You're doing what you need to do. Besides, you'll meet them soon enough, and you'll be the cool aunt with all the stories from Europe. They'll probably think you're some kind of world traveler."

Carla smiled, though her gaze drifted toward the window. The cobbled streets and old stone buildings of Prato were beautiful, sure, but they didn't feel like home. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

"I guess I just thought this would feel more... I don't know... exciting?" she admitted quietly. "But I mostly feel like I'm missing out on everything that matters."

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