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Alicia was awoken by her mother at exactly six o’clock in the morning. Although both went to sleep at roughly the same time, Harriet was wide awake while Alicia appeared like a zombie. Alicia got dressed and attempted to do her hair so she could somewhat presentable for her dress fitting. When she came down the stairs she couldn’t help but notice the eye roll her mother gave her.


“You know,” her mother starting out saying whilst making an omelet. “That dress I bought you not too long ago would look a lot better than that Green Lantern t-shirt and that corduroy skirt. Why are you even wearing a corduroy skirt in the middle of summer anyway?” Alicia huffed, sitting down at the kitchen counter.


“My outfit looks perfectly fine mom.” She mumbled into her plate.


“Huh?” Harriet questioned. Alicia simply just shook her head and began eating her omelet. Harriet joined her at the kitchen counter to eat, but begged Alicia to change into something else. Alicia refused countless times, but her mother persisted until Alicia defeatedly walked back up the stairs into her room.


“I’m going to be a senior in high school, yet still have no say in what I want to wear. Unbelievable!” Alicia said to herself as she snatched the dress her mother  approved of from her closet and threw it on. She went back into her bathroom and quickly fixed her hair and applied a small amount of make-up. When she looked in her full length mirror she almost cried, completely disgusted with the light purple maxi dress she had on. Alicia turned away from the mirror and sat down on her bed to tie up her Doc Martins. While doing so, she noticed her horrendous self-improvement book lying on the floor. She opened the book to a random page to occupy her time. At the very top of the page it gave off yet another definition.








1. the feeling of self-assurance arising from one;s one appreciation of one’s own qualities or abilities


“Alicia! Be downstairs in five minutes!” Harriet screamed. Alicia continued to search through the book though, reading more of the definitions. After becoming frustrated with the book again, Alicia shoved it inside of her purse and trudged down the stairs into the living room where her mother waited impatiently.


“Come on Alicia it’s time for us to get to your dress fitting.” Harriet said rudely.


Alicia followed Harriet out the door to their midnight blue Ferrari sitting in the driveway. Alicia sat in the passenger seat and listened to her mother’s criticisms the whole drive. The drive lasted about twenty minutes and Alicia found herself parked in front of a small boutique. The boutique was painted a rose pink color with the words ‘Young and Beautiful’ painted on the window in red. Alicia hesitated before getting out of the car while Harriet practically flew into the boutique. Alicia looked around the boutique shyly when she entered. After a few moments inside, she had convinced herself that boutiques were definitely not the place for her. Alicia belonged in comic book and music stores, not clothing shops where she would actually have to look at herself.

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