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The moment she heard her mother screaming for her to wake up, she knew something was going to happen. Something bad was about to happen that would never leave her the same again. Alicia felt sick to her stomach as her mother ushered her out of bed. Harriet continued to go over Alicia’s itinerary for the day. Alicia was to get dressed first, eat a gluten free breakfast, go jog for thirty minutes, come home and get her hair and makeup done, get dressed and go to the ball.

Alicia rolled her eyes at her mother’s rambling. She washed her face and brushed her teeth quickly before throwing on Matthew’s t-shirt and some capri jogging pants. She tied her running shoes at the kitchen table as her mother set her breakfast on the table.

Alicia ate her bland breakfast speedily before practically running out of the house to escape her mother’s constant reminder of how tonight was the Princess Ball. She realized that her mother was more concerned with tonight raising up Alicia’s social status than she was with the fact that it was her eighteenth birthday. Today, instead of running a light jog like usual, Alicia sprinted throughout her neighborhood listening to STREET STYLE. It made Alicia sick to admit this, yet many times she felt as if the four boys of STREET STYLE were her only friends. Whenever things got tough, they were just a pair of headphones away, ready to cheer her up with their beautiful harmonies. 

She lost awareness of her surroundings, running mindlessly throughout the area. The feeling of something bad happening grew the farther she ran down the street. As she crossed Broadway, she didn’t notice the black car speeding. Alicia ran full speed until she finally noticed the car, but it was too late. She looked over at the car like a deer in headlights. Before the car finally collided with her, she couldn’t help but think:

fuck you matthew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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