34: Cheesy

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(3rd Person POV)


Hoseok stepped out of the room, ringing phone in hand. He quickly answered and placed it to his ear.


"Hoseok, I have a special assignment for you." The voice on the phone said coldly.

"Yes, Mr. Min. I'm listening." Hoseok listened carefully to the words of his boss.

"I need you to keep an eye on a person. His name is Park, Jimin. He's a patient at Seoul Central Hospital."

"Park, Jimin?" Hoseok chewed at the inside of his cheek, growing nervous as he heard the name of his friend. "Why? What exactly am I looking for...?"

"He's a nuisance, getting in the way of Yoongi and Kirang. He's trying to stop the wedding from happening. And that, absolutely can not happen. Keep an eye on his every move, and report to me. If his behavior doesn't cease, I'll have no choice but to eliminate him."

"E-eliminate him..?" Hoseok tried to keep his voice still. This was his friend they were talking about...!

"That's right, and if the time comes, I'll trust you to be in charge of that. I'll assemble a little group of my best hitman to help you."

"Why me...? Some of the other guys are way better hitman than me.." Hoseok desperatly tried to remove himself from the situation.

"The pay will be good, Jung. You have my word. I can trust you with this job?"

"...yes, of course boss." Hoseok squeezed his eyes shut as he ended the call. The world works in strange ways...
After Seokjin told him what happened with Yoongi, Jungkook left Jimin's room, leaving Taehyung with him. He sat in the ER waiting room, clenching and unclenching his jaw in deep thought.

Once Seokjin had explained everything, the first thought Jungkook had was "I hope he dies. That way, I can have Jimin..."

But now that he thought about it again, Jungkook regretted allowing such thoughts to occur. Of course he didn't want Yoongi to die, he was he only one who understood him. No matter how much he wanted a chance with Jimin, losing Yoongi was the last thing Jungkook wanted.

Yoongi sat alone in the hospital room, staring blankly at the wall. He felt exhausted, totally drained by the situation with his father. How could he threaten to kill his own son? How? Even if he wasn't officially a father yet, Yoongi knew he'd never be able to even threaten his own child. A father...Yoongi was gonna be a father. Even if he didn't love or want to marry Kirang, that baby was still his. He'd be responsible for it.

Why did things have to turn out this way?!

Yoongi punched the bed out of frustration, angry tears welling in his eyes. Why couldn't he just be happy?! Why...why?! In two weeks...Yoongi would be married to Kirang..

"I can buy more time..." Yoongi thought out loud, "The surgery...I'll use that as an excuse. I can't let Jimin go...I can't." Yoongi felt like he was going insane. His head was aching from the stress.

A knock at the door made him look up. Seokjin entered, closing the door behind him.

"How are you feeling, Yoongi? Everything okay with your dad?" The handsome doctor asked kindly.

"I'm alright. And Yeah, everything's fine." Yoongi answered half-heartedly.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything, Yoongi." Jin put his arm around Yoongi, pulling him closer. He looked so sad, like he was slowly breaking.

Yoongi's lower lip started trembling. He leaned into Jin, desperetly needing the comfort. He was tired of hiding, tired of being the strong one.

"I'm scared." Yoongi whispered quietly, allowing his tears to slip from his eyes. He hated crying in front of people, but right now, he couldn't help it.

"Of what?" Jin held the younger boy, listening to him.

"Everything...I don't want to get married."

"Why not? You looked so happy in your engagment photos, Yoongi. What happened?" Jin grew concerned.

"I don't love her, it's an arranged marriage...I love Jimin."

"You...what?" Jin stiffened, his eyes widening slightly.

"I am in love with Jimin." Yoongi pulled away from Jin, using his hand to wipe away his tears, "When Jimin finds out I'm marrying someone else, I'll lose him. I'm scared of losing him..."


"Yes...we've been together for a while now..."

Jin stood up, speaking quietly after a while, "Jimin has a kind heart...if you two are really, truly in love, he will understand."

Yoongi dropped his gaze, the next words coming out in a whisper, "Can I tell you something else....? Please...don't tell anyone."

"Go ahead. I won't tell a soul." Jin turned to look at Yoongi, who was still looking down.

"She's pregnant. I'm going to be a dad." Yoongi whispered.

"...oh." Jin didn't know how to react.

"I don't know how to tell Jimin any of this. I'm scared he'll hate me...I know I'll have to let him go soon...but I'm so scared..." Yoongi's voice cracked.

"Don't tell him for now, then." Jin gave a small smile, shrugging, "For now...just enjoy what you can. Once Jimin wakes up, be happy with him."

Yoongi nodded, sniffling.

Jin waved the papers he had been holding, "But in order to be happy, you both have to be in better health. Look, we have all the details of your surgery planned out."

He sat next to Yoongi, carefully explaining the details of the surgery.

"...and if all goes smoothly, you'll be cancer free. I have eveything ready for the procedure tomorrow. All we need is your signature." Jin pulled out a pen, handing the papers to Yoongi, who signed without a second thought.

"Should we call anyone...to notify them of the surgery?" Jin asked as he headed to the door.

"No...no one needs to know." Yoongi sighed softly, "Except for my brother. Is he still here?"

"He's in the waiting room right now. Should I send him in?"

Yoongi nodded.
"You don't have cancer then? That's great news!" Jungkook smiled brightly as he sat next to Yoongi on the bed.

"Just a cancerous tumor in my liver." Yoongi couldn't help but smile as Jungkook did, "Doc said I should be fine once it's removed. Did dad talk to you?"

"No, he was here?" Jungkook tilted his head curiously, "I didn't even see him."

"Good for you...he was angry."

"Does he know about your new diagnosis?" Jungkook questioned.

Yoongi shook his head. His father didn't need to know.

"How's Jimin?" Yoongi asked quietly.

"The same. Nothing's changed. Hoseok is with him, Taehyung went home grounded by Seokjin for hitting you. Hey...do you plan on suing for misdiagnosis?" Jungkook's innocent doe eyes stared at Yoongi.

"Of course not. Everyone here has become like my family. And if it weren't for that misdiagnosis, I wouldn't have met the love of my life." Yoongi smiled softly.

"You're really cheesy, you know that?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes, which made Yoongi smile, and then laugh. He pulled Jungkook into a hug, tears once again welling in his eyes. How could his father threaten such a pure person? How?!

"Kook?" Yoongi planted a kiss on Jungkook's head.


"I love you a lot, no matter what. You know that?"

"Stop being cheesy, Yoongi. It's weird."

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