54: Talk

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(3rd Person POV)

3 Days Later

"I...I don't know what to say." Jimin sat on one end of the small table on the floor. Jiwon was next to him, Hoseok and Taehyung on the other side. Together with Hoseok, Jiwon had finally told Jimin the truth. They were brothers, seperated by their father.

"I know how hard it must be to have this all dropped on you so suddenly..." Jiwon lightly rested his hand on top of Jimin's.

" All this time, I've thought I was alone in the world..." Jimin looked at Jiwon, his eyes filling with tears, "And all this time, you were looking for me? Was mom looking too?"

"She...passed away a long time ago." Jiwon said quietly. Jimin shoulders slumped, his eyes filling with sadness.

"Dad went crazy after she died. He isn't right in the head. Hoseok told me he tried to kill you, and blamed you for mom leaving him. But she didn't actually leave him, she died." Jiwon watched as Hoseok nodded slowly, as if trying to understand everything.

"I don't remember her. Or anything in the past, really. I lost all my memories..." Jimin sighed sadly.

"That's okay. Like Hoseok says, it's a new beginning." Jiwon smiled as Taehyung rested his head on Jimin's shoulder in an effort to comfort him.

"You said...we used to know Kirang?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah. She was our close friend, despite our differences. I loved her, and I know she loved me too. Her family took her away when they found out we wanted to run away. Of course, they didn't want some poor kid like me as her husband." Jiwon sighed, shaking his head, "In reality, I'm still not over her. I can't believe she's your ex's wife. The world works in crazy ways."

Hoseok watched as Jimin and Jiwon fell into a comfortable conversation, full of smiles. Taehyung joined in, the chat flowed as if they were long time friends. Hoseok was quiet, there was still a lot on his mind. The boss still didn't know Jimin was 'dead'. That, and he didn't know Hoseok and Taehyung were going to quit their jobs.

"Tomorrow..." Hoseok thought to himself, "I'll tell him tomorrow."
"This isn't fair, you know." Kirang snapped at Mr. Min, her eyes narrowing, "You said you had it all sorted out. Why did you make them take that brat before the wedding actually happened?!"

"Because what if Yoongi had gotten cold feet?" Mr. Min scowled, "No matter what we did, there was a risk. I don't understand why Hoseok still hasn't checked in. Something is up with him..."

"You shouldn't have trusted him." Kirang rolled her eyes, her hand resting lightly on her bump. She had wanted to get married before she showed, but at five, almost six, months along, there was no hiding it.

"Stop worrying. Like I said, everything will be okay. If Hoseok fails, I'll find that kid myself and wring his neck." Mr. Min smiled in a sinister way, "You know I love a good torture."
"Yoongi, I don't think they're here. We've searched everywhere..." Jungkook frowned as he walked behind Yoongi. The smaller man was walking angrily. They were in downtown Daegu, searching for clues about Hoseok. It was getting late, and no one was on the streets.

"I'm not giving up that easily," Yoongi frowned, his eyes narrowed. Hoseok could be anywhere, and he had Jimin. Taehyung was probably with him, too.

"It's getting dark, Yoongi...can't we book a hotel or something? Start fresh tomorrow?" Jungkook glanced pleadingly at his brother, who was scowling.

"Yeah, yeah I guess we should do that..." Yoongi answred quietly, much to Jungkook's surprise.

The oldest brother led the way to the nearest motel; a rather old and run down building reeking of the scent of cigarettes and dust. Yoongi rented two rooms, he handed one of the little silver keys to Jungkook and held on to his own as they walked up the metal stairs to their rooms.

Yoongi unlocked his door, stepped inside, and was about to close the door when Jungkook stopped him.

"I think there's a lot we have to talk about." Jungkook watched as Yoongi sighed heavily, letting Jungkook in with no hesitation. Which again, was surprising.

"What do you want to talk about?" Yoongi sat on the small bed, gazing lazily at Jungkook.

"You said you were getting married because of me." Jungkook remained standing, "I want to know why."

Yoongi sighed, rubbing his face with his hands in a frustarted manner.

"That night I got engaged, I argued with dad about it. He confessed that he and Kirang's father wanted to merge companies and create a super-company, but in order to do that..." Yoongi stared down at the floor as he spoke, "I had to marry Kirang. If I didn't, he'd send you to be the CEO of the company. And I didn't want that, Jungkook. You're too young, and being the head of a company like that would rob you of your youth..."

Jungkook stood quietly, biting at his lower lip as his brother continued.

"...Like it did to me. Since I was young, dad gave me huge responsibilities. That's why I rebelled so much..." Yoongi looked up to meet Jungkook's stare, "I accepted. Even though I was in love with Jimin, I accepted to marry her. For your sake."

Jungkook couldn't bare to look at his brother's sad, empty eyes any more. He looked away. Ever since he'd lost Jimin, it was almost as if the light in Yoongi's eyes went out.

"And then when Jimin was in a coma, I wanted to call off the wedding. And you know what dad did?" Yoongi stood, tears stinging his eyes, "He threatened to kill you, Jungkook! What the hell was I supposed to do?! I went on with the wedding for you, and you turned around and ruined my relationship with Jimin..."

Yoongi was crying now. A sad, lost, crying mess.

"I don't know what to do anymore..." Yoongi choked out between sobs, "I want to protect you, I want to be with Jimin, I want to give Kirang and my baby a good life...but I don't know what to do...I want Jimin home..."

"Everything will be okay, Yoongi. Breathe..." Jungkook stepped closer to his crying brother, bringing him into a hug. Suddenly, Yoongi lashed out, shoving the younger boy away.

"No! Nothing will be okay! Not until I find him!" Yoongi shoved Jungkook, who once again tried to restrain the panicked man.

"Let go!" Yoongi pushed him away before landing a fist right to his jaw. Jungkook stumbled backwards, holding his jaw in pain. He glared up at Yoongi, who was clearly in distress. He was pulling at his hair, crying out before he turned around and knocked all the decorations from the table. They fell and shattered into pieces.

"Yoongi, please!" Jungkook stared at his brother with tear filled eyes. He could see Yoongi's pain, the thick wall he had built around himself was crumbling, and fast.

The phone in Jungkook's pocket began to buzz with an incoming call. He pulled it out and answered it quickly.

"Yes, Hello?" Jungkook turned away from Yoongi to hear my clearly.

"Jungkook! I've been trying to reach Yoongi, but he isn't answering. Is he okay? I have news!" It was Seokjin.

"What's the news?" Jungkook knew Yoongi was listening. He put the phone on speaker.

"The police have been keeping a close eye on the surrounding cities. Someone spotted Hoseok! He's in Busan. There's no sign of Jimin or Taehyung, but they could be with him there!"

Both Yoongi and Jungkook's eyes widened as they locked gazes. Within seconds, the pair was running down the stairs, the sound of their feet pounding the metal was loud and ringing.

The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart and all they can do is stare blankly.

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