5. "gUyz dotn worRy. im nOt as thikn as yUo druNk i aM"

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Gucci: HEy i juts meT yyou and thsi is craxy BUT herEs mY numbre so caLL mE mayBE

Givemesprite: Tae, you DO realize that this is the GC right?

Eomma: okay, who let tae drink again?!

Monnie: He's probably out with Jungkook.

Grandpa: Those two together? well.. that's not gonna end well

Musclepig: Uh, he's not with me?

Eomma: Then who is he out with?! All of us are at the dorms so like he's not with any of us

Mochi: Wrong. He's out with me. i was dancing and came back after a few minutes to him downing drinks he made someone buy him cause he knew i wouldn't buy him any if he asked.

Gucci: gUyz dotn worRy. im nOt as thikn as yUo druNk i aM

Givemesprite: This is the funniest thing ever

Grandpa: Jimin, can you like take his phone away from him or something?

Mochi: About that... everytime i try to take his phone away from him he thinks im trying to kiss him since he's holding it so close to his face and so he tries to kiss me. i'll just let him keep it

Musclepig: It's not like it would be the first time you two kissed

Monnie: OOOOO

Mochi: Kookie, shut up


Eomma: You two need to get home N O W

Mochi: well, can you come pick us up then?

Eomma: Me and RM are on our way

Monnie: well, this should be fun

Musclepig: ill get the room ready

Grandpa: ill go sleep

Givemesprite: ill join our grandpa


Mochi: I knew taking him out with me would be a bad idea...


This isn't as good as the rest of the chapters but i still hope that you enjoyed it lol. Thanks for reading :)

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